
No she doesn’t. She’s obvi drunk and being stupid with her friends. We don’t know the context, but I doubt any of us can stand by the idea we’ve never said anything stupid/offensive while drunk and playing around with our friends.

I was once seeing a woman who was a member of a very well-to-do North Shore Boston brahmin family. For some reason I don’t quite remember, she and her two brothers, their wife/girlfriend and I all went into Boston to have a formal lunch at the Ritz-Carlton. It was something of a family ritual.

Why are you people so afraid to say specific business names?

it’s like they don’t realize that farts contain tiny particles of fecal matter

Farting is the most disgusting thing and you keep that stuff in the bathroom. In the South we are really polite and don’t fart in front of people. At least that’s how I was taught. Go to the damn bathroom even if you have to run. Or step out the door. Ugh. Ew. nasty.

It was really a liability issue, combined with the age of the child. If something had fallen on him, if he’d fallen and hit his head, if he’d been kidnapped? We live in way too litigious of a society for my manager not to be super concerned about the possible ramifications of a small child alone in the store. Plus

Yeah, that’s pretty standard shit at a bookstore. I worked at a place that was about a block away from a Cheesecake Factory. Mom and two cute kids in the 4-7 range came in around 11 AM one weekday morning. Mom disappeared shortly thereafter and the two kids hung out in our kids section (which had toys to play with

I used to work in a Radio Shack in a mall, back in the 90s. Now, a mall store at Christmas is hell on earth to begin with. And we were a mall store that sold toys, so square that. We actually had to take turns standing at the door to deflect children whose parents would drop them there and tell them “now you stay here

Reading this post, I would never have guessed that people would be flying to the comments to defend that fart. I clearly have much to learn about internet commenting.

Using the paper towel to open the door is good for public health. You are aware that people don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, right?

Could someone explain to me, why the video of a woman trying to attack a guy in an elevator was a “cultural milestone”? What kind of culture would that be and would it be worth living in it?

that hair...

Can we have a moment of silence for Lisa and all her drunk ass bonding with plants glory? Legendary.

There is a v hot deaf guy named Nyle on the current ~*cYcLe*~ highly recommend A++

If I had a penny for all of the cancelations I’ve read about in the last couple of years, and yet so but. It’s just another way to bring the viewers to another series-finale yard.

I’ve taken my kids to work occasionally, and sometimes even had them sit in the classroom quietly reading. Hell, when I was chair of the department, a colleague even left her two pre-school age kids in my office to watch while she taught (apparently, they had pink eye).

I agree with you. I have a friend who is hoping to do as the writer and wear her baby to work and I just don’t think it’s going to work out. It would kill my concentration if I was her labmate. Infants sleep a lot but when they are not sleeping they take attention. And things that can sound like happy baby noises to

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for