
Please tell me where I said anything disrespectful to the 20-year-olds.

I was a 20-year-old woman once and, a grown-ass adult woman now, I'm a lot less amenable to some man's stupid BS now than I was then so, you can call it a tired way of thinking if it pleases you, but it's also the truth. Adult women are waaaaay more capable of standing up for themselves than someone who was an under

Is it really bragging when a 47-year-old man admits to dating a 20-something girl? Because it just strikes me as weak and pathetic. There's a reason abusers don't go after a fully-fledged adult woman who will tell them to step off. They can't handle being challenged by a person of self-possession and power.

I am really glad dog #1 didn't attack your sister!

I don't have any advice but I feel bad for what you're going through. We have a rescue dog that came with issues I hoped would work themselves out, and they have...for the most part. But I had to spend an hour in the park with her today because we had a contractor coming to give us an estimate and she loses her mind

Please, please call a suicide hotline right now. People WILL miss you so don't even think that. Call now.

It would help if you could describe your dress because without knowing what you're wearing it's pretty impossible to suggest shoes, other than to suggest basic ballet flats since you don't like heels. I don't think you should go too quirky in outfit or shoes, though because you're going to be looking at your wedding

Yay! Hunger problem solved!

Fingers crossed! Let us know how it goes.

I would say cut yourself some slack in some ways and watch yourself in others. Like, I do think most successful, goal-oriented people (which I sense you are) have a tendency to talk utter crap to themselves and say really mean things. So don't do that, like the way I would bet money you are talking to yourself about

Volunteering somewhere is a great idea! Plus, that will look good on a resume when you graduate (as long as the volunteer job isn't doing something incredibly controversial).

I would ask the next employee with a friendly face what the best way to get some food is.

None of those things by themselves are that bad but what's concerning to me is that you're concerned about yourself. I think maybe you should listen to yourself and give things some thought.

If she doesn't want the money there's not anything left to do so don't make her uncomfortable by bringing it up anymore or trying to make it up to her somehow. Just forget it.

As an introvert I have to say that sometimes it's really good to force yourself out into the company of other people. You might have a really good time, you never know.

I made a ton of friends at work when I was in college. I worked at a restaurant and everyone but the managers were college kids. Maybe that would work for you, too.

Lowfat yogurt is the devil's broth. Try full fat Fage or Liberte if you don't feel like making your own. A container of Liberte made with whole milk is only like 200 calories and I guarantee it's 100x better than Yoplait.

Laws vary by states but a lot of states prohibit convicted child molestors from living with children that aren't theirs.

The Day of the Dead makeup is great, but I'm not sold on the zombie makeup, though the use of the fake nails for teeth was clever. It looks like she needed to build up the smooth part of her face because the zombie part, which is supposed to be torn off has a higher profile than the rest of her face.

I feel certain that CPS will be visiting her this weekend. What she's doing is not something that can be overlooked. This guy isn't legally allowed to be in the presence of children, I'm sure.