
She glues individual falsies along the bottom.

She looks like she's wearing a loaded diaper in those jeans. She's still gorgeous, though.

The pimples on her forehead beg to differ.

Cash bars are so, so tacky. If you can't afford to serve alcohol have an afternoon cake and punch wedding or a scale down some so you can afford the booze. But don't ask your "guests" to become customers.

Define real.

This mall is near my house. It's an "outlet" mall that is always jammed with shoppers and tourists from all over the world. The store is question is nice enough, but it's an outlet store with deep discounts and merchandise that had been pawed at by dozens of shoppers. I don't see how the store could possibly be held

I saw that kind of crappy parenting when my daughter was playing high school basketball. The star of the team was a sweet girl who worked hard and had lots of innate talent but it was just NEVER good enough for her dad. He sat in the stands and yelled mean things to her. I once complimented his daughter to him and he

Yes. There are lots of gypsy/travelers in Florida who are always in the news for their creative ways of stealing. Not saying they're all thieves, though.

You have way more patience than I'd ever be able to summon for that nonsense. I have to walk away when I watch my brother-in-law try to reason with his four-year-old for doing things like running away from him in public. It makes me want to scream so I have to leave.

Wait! She breastfed her son until age 10?! How did that not affect his psycho-sexual development? Some buys are in puberty at 10! There's no medical reason why a child would need to breastfeed at that age. He has molars, for goodness sakes!

I agree that those kids don't look happy. If we're playing photo assumption the happiest, most well-adjusted family is the Valencias. They're all leaning into each other and touching with every body connected to another. Their bodies seem relaxed and not stiff and their smiles seem genuine. The Masterson-Horn family

But were the people black or white? That's the important question, right Cata Doxa?

Yeah, many 16-year-olds have celebrity bodies because the bodies society praises right now are adolescent bodies with artificial breasts. Womanly bodies aren't really in fashion and that's where "real" women run into trouble. No amount of dieting will make a Christina Hendricks type look like Elizabeth Banks or Blake

I'll agree he's dumb and wearing a weave but what does old have to do with it? You'll be old one day, too...if you're lucky.

Its probably just the 3/4 profile...and photoshop

Thongs don't prevent lines anyway.

Ai!!! That's horrifying!

Hey, you're the one who said panties were horrifying things only flat asses could wear. But that's ok and not judgment because YOU said it, I guess. Interesting.

They're never allowed in your room? What if the 4-year-old has a nightmare or something? Good on you guys for making a private space; I'm just wondering how it works.