
Well, think about it this way: Other people are sitting there worried about whether anyone likes them, just like you are. Maybe go up and say "hey"? Being shy sucks, though, I know, but I promise you people are too worried about their own stuff to be thinking bad thoughts about you and you might make a friend if you

The Denver airport is freaky. It's so New World Order, globalists want to destroy 90% of humanity with all the dead children in the murals. That and the Georgia Guidestones. Something weird is going on...

"That's problematic because it throws privacy and due processe out the window."

That's an awful idea. My DNA is mine, not the government's. I say what happens to my body.

Don't tease us! Give us details!

Nah, it doesn't last until 25, just until they get their first taste of being completely responsible for themselves. The sooner they realize that the big, cold world is just waiting to kick their butt, the sooner they'll appreciate you. So, maybe around 18-20.

Humans can be such endlessly stupid sheep sometimes.

Haha! My mother used to say the same thing! My daughter, on the other hand, when she'd fling a fit she reminded me of an enraged horse. She would whip her mane of hair and snort and stomp off clippety clop like a pony on little hooves. It was comical.

I'm not a lace person, either but I like that the dress actually has sleeves. Strapless wedding dresses are so tired and only look good on about 10% of women.

Seriously? That's kind of part of marriage, being a willing sex partner. Saying no every now and then is fine and nothing that needs to be apologized for but this couple is in drought conditions. It's not fair for either spouse to cut the other off like that. Something is wrong somewhere and they need to figure it

You've completely misunderstood me. Babies need and want their parents (and vice versa) and parents should be lovingly devoted to caring for their babies and meeting their needs for love, security, and safety. I am NOT talking about the normal need mothers and babies have for each other. I'm speaking of overly fearful

Don't believe those firing rumors. You ever watch Alex Mccord's recaps? She says that hiring and firing decisions aren't made until closer to filming of the next season.

That swimsuit isn't scandalous. Ugly, yes, but not scandalous.

So, when I was in the 7th grade my science teacher sent me into the storeroom to get out some more beakers and I noticed a big bottle marked "ether". Having been a lover of the Curious George books as a kid, I knew that sniffing ether got you high (or at least got Curious George high) so I thought it would be cool to

Thanks! I will check them out.

Who cares what number the shoe says, though? It's not like people will know, unless you're wearing rented bowling shoes.

What brand is that? I'm tall, too and I don't want to wear 4 or 5-inch heels.

Sorry, but it's not just width. As a fellow big foot, I feel you but my feet went from a size 10 to a size 11 with pregnancy. It's a permanent change, too. The hormone relaxin that a pregnant woman produces to lengthen and soften the cervix and pubic bones for birth also relaxes the ligaments in the foot. It sucks,

Good luck with that. I had to give ALL my nice shoes to my sister-in-law after I had my last baby and my feet decided to permanently stay a size or so bigger.

The universe is vast and man doesn't know everything, not even all the "probabilities". To proclaim that all is known is shortsighted.