I gotta hand it to Gene Haas: when he says he’s gonna do something, he means it. This is a great day.
*looks at title*
She also fails to address the fact that her data doesn’t address smartphone use as she claims at all (ie, “cell phone ownership”), or that smartphones were introduced and grew over 800% during the period she attributes to “cars.”
Wow, you are an idiot. I usually do t like to insult people here in the comments unless they start it, but damn, your comment is just so stupid. Like man what is it like in your little imaginary world? Do they have schools there? I bet you are also a flat-earther.
Jalopnik would absolutely LOVE you.
Jesus christ, I can’t even with the alleged “strong correlation” she keeps talking about above. Just looking at the chart she’s citing as evidence, it’s clear that miles driven and accidents are loosely correlated at best, with a noticeable peak in accidents in 2012 despite flat miles driven, then a decrease in 2013…
Yeah, this is just as idiotic as the “Ban Cars” article. Of course the blame isn’t on the completely oblivious idiots walking into traffic. The nerve of those cars being on the roads of all places.
Shame on you for logic. That shit’s not welcome here.
Hey look another anti-car article from Alissa! She has a graph to show it’s truth guys, don’t argue with it - even though the graph really doesn’t even show good correlation, let alone the whole correlation =/= causation thing.
We don’t need alternatives to driving or taking cars off the road. We need people to take driving seriously. That may mean stricter licencing, harsher punishments for infractions and more cameras to capture and penalize bad drivers.
One sports team knows your pain Toyota.
Self: “Gah. Another anonymous potato-shaped SUV that’s just gonna spend most of its time in the drive-thru at Starbucks. Plus this one’s a BMW which means when it breaks, it will be a bitch to fix as well as prohibitively expensive. It would be rational to walk away.”
The Italians want their Roman-dominated part of the world back, too. As do the Mongols, for what was conquered by KHHHHHAAAAANNNN!!!!
Or... OR... bring Dodge back to NASCAR again and actually support the teams so they don’t switch manufactures.
A few weeks ago I witnessed a Trax’s motor go kablamo. First there was a little white smoke coming from the tailpipe, then it got worse. Then it got much worse and the smoke got a darker and filled up the entire intersection with nasty oily-coolant-metal on metal smelling thick smoke.
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
If the engines are that loud there is only one explanation Apple Wankle Rotary Engines.
Wouldnt that be something if Apple were developing The Last Analog Hypercar with a raucous NA v12 instead of the expected all electric self driving appliance... come on Tim Cook lets see Apple in F1 2018!