
I was thinking, based on his comments, he looks more like a guy explaining to Chris Hansen that the wine coolers and condoms in his grocery bag were purely coincidental and he was only there because his daughters friend “needed someone to talk to”

Schilling is the same guy who went absolutely batshit insane when his daughter was the subject of social media trolls a little while ago. Yet he has no problem with the Trumpster drooling over young girls. Why, it’s almost like Curt’s a giant goddamn hypocrite!

He doesn’t immediately jump to molesting her. He buys her ice cream first, otherwise that’s rude.

“I don’t immediately jump to molesting her. I wait 10 years. But so we’re clear, I’ve called dibs on that.”

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”

Dude... we went to war to remove Saddam, not fucking pillage the already dirt poor Iraqi people.

That’s the most horrifying thing about this, what he’s done to erode freedom of the press.

Humiliation requires a level of self-awareness that sadly doesn’t work among that crowd. The piling on only serves to make them dig their heels in further. So let’s just bury them in a sad corner of the country where the stagnation of the gene pool will lead to sterility-inducing inbreeding within a generation or two.

Seriously. One of them brought a sprinkler system filled with diarrhea to the debate, then everyone talks about how they are both covered in shit.

THIS really bothers me, too. The candidates (plural) have lowered the bar for public discourse? The candidates (plural) have brought us to a new low in US politics? Bull. Shit.

They’re STILL doing it. What do you call it when, the morning after the debate, they write articles like “Trump, Clinton leave voters shaking heads after disgraceful debate performance?” (I made that up, but you get the idea.) This adherence to false equivalence still governs the way that reporters cover the campaign.

Rather than focus on real journalists, I think it’s time to put the feet of cable newscasters and producers to the fire. They created the Trump-as-mythical-viable-candidate-character from whole cloth. They still, today, air hour after hour of interviews and panel discussions featuring dishonest, vapid, disingenuous

Two things that stand out to me.

What scares me is that he is poisoning the well of yet another presidency. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one side lose yet say, “ I don’t agree with him or her, don’t even like her, but she won fair and square.”

“But we ignored all of these warning signs for months in favor of bitching about Hillary Clinton not giving press conferences. We sure showed her!”

I’ve been working under the assumption that we’re all supposed to be doing that. Do I have to find a new hobby?

Has been said before, but bears repeating: