
What is the standard under the Connecticut Rules of Evidence for unavailability of a witness? Does Connecticut track the Federal Rules of Evidence which has specific definitions of unavailability because being a traumatized child is not considered unavailable under the FRE. In fact, if she couldn’t recall part or all

Funny how security is a concern now when a book publishing the White House’s dirty laundry is coming out. I know someone who works in the White House and apparently the administration was so unprepared that they did not have any computers after the inauguration so people were working on their personal, unsecured

It goes beyond women who are incarcerated- most people who are incarcerated have often endured incredible trauma. Studies have shown the impact poverty has on brain development and when you breakdown the prison population, the vast majority come from poor backgrounds.

We’re just talking about how you paired those shoes with that dress. Brave.

I have always found her incredibly unattractive but it’s gotten worse over the past nearly three years (I can’t believe we’ve been dealing with this nightmare of a family for that long) but I agree with you that attacking her looks is the same thing Trump does when he says he would never assault a woman because he

That is so sad. How long did he have the tumor? I’ve litigated cases where clients had some sort of brain damage (particularly combat vets who sustained injuries during tours of duty) and it’s really heartbreaking to hear how that type of injury affects your ability to think, rationalize, and your behavior. Family

But like, OMG, I have to cover my eyes, I can’t watch this, I can’t watch this, I can’t watch this-type of cringe worthy.

I’ve never watched Silicon Valley so I don’t think I said what character he played on there. He did an interview earlier this year (Hollywood Reporter?) that coincided with his departure from the show and he just came off as so condescending, rude, and ungrateful. He also spent a good deal of the interview shit

I think he and Kamala would be a great team but I’m worried about the vitriol the Republicans would spew since they think San Francisco is the hellmouth.

Regardless of whether these allegations are true, I’ve always thought he was overrated. I’ve seen him live and he was clearly wasted and not funny. I also met him once and he was so full of himself which is the impression he gives in every single interview he gives.

I just like Biden for many reasons including his Uncle Joe persona from The Onion. I also think he’s very popular and has a lot of sympathy behind him because of his son’s death. You can’t underestimate how much sympathy can win people over.

Are you presuming I’m a white man?

I just looked him up. He seems like someone who appeals to both sides. I had not heard of him until you mentioned him- how well known is he in Indiana?

How much do you want to bet she screamed out, “Do you know who I am? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”

I’m taken aback by the fact he’s 54! 1) I feel super old now. 2) He does not look 54.

What would be considered substantial? On the one hand, you can’t engage in foreign policy if you’re not the current administration (cough, cough Trump this time last year) so unless you’re part of the current administration that’s not possible. On the other hand, you may not engage in direct policy work but observing,

You sound like a smart and pragmatic person. I don’t think I voted for Hillary as a lesser of two evils but she was not my first choice for the nomination (like I said, I’m a big fan of Bernie though I have criticism about him, too.)

You clearly did not read my comment. I specifically noted that the take away Democrats need to take away from Jones is that he did not take the black vote for granted.

I mentioned above it’s lack of experience with foreign policy, which I don’t agree with. It’s a criticism that’s trotted out by both parties which is bullshit. No one can be an expert on everything but as long as you’re smart, willing to learn, and surround yourselves with experts, that criticism is hollow. I think

Would people get behind two San Francisco liberals on a national ticket? I also worry about Gavin’s skeletons- he’s a notorious party boy and I think there has to be something pretty bad in his past.