
So wait, does the FB25 have reliability problems? I thought those seem to be good motors?

Am I the only one who liked the Adam, Tanner and Rutledge? I thought they were just getting into their stride. The last season was genuinely good.

I love this. Plus this Trateo’s website is probably the best I have seen in a while:

My 1998 Impreza wagon. 200k miles, 100 horsepower, and 30 mpg. It’s fun to drive since it’s so terrible to drive. Best car I ever owned.

My one and only question is how the hell does an 18 year old afford a truck like that AND an 11 month old baby?

The SV650= Miata of bikes

You gotta lock that down...

No car with any self respect will talk to that PT Cruiser.

The best selling dirt bike EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR is a used two stroke yamaha. I think it’s time you found out why.

I believe it is just called “youths”

I can almost pinpoint the moment went 100's of people just went to their local craigslist.

These results are shocking to say the least

This had me at crack pipe right away...but the Apex’i “air intake control module” pushed this over the edge. Here is my math:

Is money a tool?

As always DSM, does it best. Then again it was 1989 technically....

Enjoy your engine rebuild every 100k with that logic. I’ll keep checking my oil every other time I get gas.

If your oil light is on, usually that doesn’t mean “low oil” but instead “no oil”. VERY big difference
