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    The WWE ones were just painful, and I say that as a fan of pro wrestling. The clips never really worked and the commentary team was even less funny than they are on WWE programming, which says a lot when they are oftentimes the worst thing about the product.

    …you're right. Doh!

    *smoky voice* IT'S BRIT-NEY *coughs*

    Haven't seen the show in a while, mostly due to lack of cable…but the last few I had watched seemed to have way less bite to them. They'd air clips from these endlessly terrible, completely unnecessary shows and just move on. I also really didn't like how guests would show up in every episode, do some lame bit and

    To be honest, I think this way for a lot of CGI-heavy movies. They're so many of them and they all feature staggeringly different levels of quality. Some CG might be just gorgeous and benefit the movie, or otherwise you have just lifeless computer things just hitting each other with no real presence. I'd also argue

    Bashing RLM is the laziest goddamn argument, so of course you went there. Of course, they've made considerably better stuff than the Plinkett movies with time - so um, maybe those folks are talented?

    Also, gosh darnit. I need more allowance (yaoooooohhhh!!!!). WHY? Because I do.

    I haven't been listening this year because my schedule is weird, but I enjoy listening to Tony Kornheiser's local morning show during football season, because him (and David Aldridge, when he's in studio) will just go into crazy ranting mode about all the insane drama/politics behind every Washington football season.

    …and didn't someone get injured the VERY FIRST TIME they did that?

    Not a Pats fan, but they get the defense of opposing fans complaining about every single thing they ever do, which makes me reply, "Sorry that your team sucks."

    Part of the reason why I'm merely a casual observer of sports as opposed to a so-called fanatic is all the "controversies" that come across because fans, players and/or owners are just petty, terrible people. Why is Greg Hardy still playing? The Cowboys aren't any better with him, the team clearly is suffering from

    The current season isn't too terrible, quite honestly. I actually sort of like Team Green because while he's irritating, the fiancee is really cute and seems approachable, which isn't always the case on this show. And they clearly know the show and want to win. In fact, the rest of the teams just wanting Team Green

    Call center jobs are crazy terrible, and holy wow it should not be one's career. That said, I think everyone should have to do it for a short period, maybe a month or three. Maybe then people won't be so angry at hapless phone jockeys just trying to scratch out a living.

    Honestly, I'm happier they went with just buying rights to cheap junk and releasing them as VODs. It's more convenient for me and, as bad as modern movies can be, they aren't as magically bad as 70s-80s cheese. What bad movie of today can match whatever the hell Lash LaRue did in both The Dark Power and Alien Outlaw?

    Yep. The praise toward the TR reboot was absolutely baffling to me. It was a subpar Uncharted with worse traversal, worse combat, worse writing….and adding lots of ways to maim Lara in gruesome ways because whatever, she's a STRONG CHARACTER. (That terrible QTE where if you fail Lara gets a tree branch stabbed into

    Shout! Factory has done more for MST3K than Rhino ever did, so they'll always be good for that.

    The PTC come off like such cartoon characters. I almost wish something resembling the following scenario happened.

    Sure. The singles are still strong and the tracks have a general progression to them throughout the album. I remember that friends and I would just play this album in the background while doing whatever…playing video games, Magic, whatever…and the album just…worked.

    The empire that is the NFL will crumble and fade away soon enough. Give it time. It's hard not to actively root for such a conceited, idiotic bunch of people to go away. It's also probably criminal for such an incompetent asshole to be commissioner and be paid more than I'll see in a million lifetimes.

    It's been a basic rule in the history of forever in that series that the Doctor always lies, so…you might not be that far off.