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    Oof. I'm sometimes glad I usually work Monday nights, because I have no idea how I would deal with watching three hours of this stuff each week. They have absolutely no idea what the hell they are doing with anyone except maybe Cena/Owens. Watching this week was sometimes equivalent to a funeral dirge.

    I lived with my brother for a few months, and he'd watch Meltzer's conspiracy show and actually believe every word of it. He'd look at me funny when I just rolled my eyes as I walked by the TV.

    They worked hard for that money, gosh darnit! You're just a lazy piece of trash sucking on the government teat!

    Either married or engaged to Shaul Guerrero, actually. (She was Raquel Diaz in NXT.) It's actually really sweet for her, because she kept jumping in and out of developmental and had some personal problems, and he seems like a totally swell guy. So good for both of them.

    Essentially, "WWE Humor" has always been the dirt-worst. I'm sure Vince is laughing so hard at the Meta Powers right now while the audience stands there confused. The moment Emma got stuck with Santino, I knew she was doomed. The worst part is that the performers could be way more funnier than the writing if they

    Say what you will about the Attitude Era, but damn did the midcard sort of feel important even though the storylines were generally awful.

    I hate the idea of Total Divas and wish useless people like Rosa Mendes were shown the door, but holy crap did the NXT crowd show how completely toxic they are with the Eva Marie interview. When I start having sympathy for Eva Marie, you've gone way too far.

    I usually don't get to watch RAW live because I work nights, but I had the opportunity to watch this week and…woof. This might have been one of the worst episodes I've ever sat through. It's just…outstanding how little Creative cares about ANYONE at this point.

    I don't think anyone wants five hours of NXT a week. Some might argue we need less storyline-based wrestling programming in general so everyone involved gets way less burned out. Main roster/NXT roster…whatever, FIVE HOURS of main programming a week is too goddamn much. Enough already.

    Good show, though I'm not sure why the Balor/Breeze match was just….there. (And why Breeze had to lose again.) Maybe those two just don't have it together?

    He's a perfect example of "Crowd pops for entrance, sits on hands until performer pulls out special moves." WWE has too many of those type of performers, though I wouldn't peg it entirely on them. Creative certainly hasn't been a big help in the past….decade or so.

    There lies the problem. You could tell me TNA is doing okay to quality work these days and is done being just WWE-lite, and I wouldn't believe you nor care. It's simply a poisoned brand. I don't ever want to watch it again. Apparently no one is, though being on a higher-tier cable channel doesn't help.

    I think he's been just a boring asshole since he debuted forever ago. He's honestly one of the catalysts (along with God HHH and Super Cena) that made me skip all of Ruthless Aggression and only come back around the pipe bomb.

    Or just use the freaking Weather Channel. It's like the least offensive thing you could show to people in a place of business. Why purposely try and push people's buttons in a place you're trying to make comfortable?

    I always liked how…direct his voice acting was. He would just recite his lines without any sort of real direction and oftentimes would make David come off like a real asshole. David the Gnome is actually a huge jerk.

    Not to mention that game was on EVERY RECENT SYSTEM at the time. It reminded me of how older licensed games would just be ported to everything, good game be damned.

    So many drive-by crazies lately.

    Shoji Tabuchi would not stand for Duck Dynasty advancing on his turf.

    I really think you could write a research paper, no…a damn dissertation (!) on the absolute damage the commentary does to WWE programming on a nightly basis. WWE wants to attract new fans, but how could any new fan take the product seriously when the so-called "voices" of the product DO NOT CARE about the action in

    I would totally buy a spinoff of Adam West's evil police officer character from Zombie Nightmare getting busted by Batman.