
Exactly. We need balls. And to that end, we need to call our Democratic Senators (if you live in a state where there are some) and encourage a Jan. 3rd vote on Merrick Garland. For a short time between when the new Congress session is opened and the new Senators are sworn in, the Dems will have a 34-30 majority in the

I think it’s what happens when you like bareback but oppose abortion.

I wish I could star you twice, once for enriching my lexicon, and again for your Smithsy name!

Well, of course bestiality is legal in the District—ratfucking is Washington’s favorite pastime.

It’s been my experience that while the Catholic laity may be controlled by weaponized guilt wielded by clergy, the average lay Catholic still acts smugly superior to the non-Catholics around them, and especially toward Protestants, for not having a church that owns its own country, trillions in gold, and as many

Haha, it would be so awesome if feeling guilty kept Catholics from being smug! In my experience there’s actually a strong correlation between how much guilt a religious person feels and how smug they are. It’s a kind of emotion release valve - unable to escape the guilt and unwilling to reject the cause of it, they

I have not looked at the internet for the past 24 hours or so. I’m sitting in an ICU watching my mother slip away, breath by breath. We are essentially on death watch. So finally, I pull out my laptop in a futile effort to distract myself and this is the first thing I see. GODDAMMIT ALL TO HELL, WORLD. I am so sick

“No practicing homosexuals allowed, huh? Well that’s okay, I’m not a practicing homosexual. I’m an experienced, expert homosexual.”

Seriously. If anything, having a “chill pope” might be worse, if it happens to slow down the decline in church membership. I’d rather it fade into irrelevancy.

As a gay guy who had the “it’s not me, it’s you” talk with the Catholic Church and all its attendant bullshit in my head as an adolescent, I’m always get a kick out of listening to traditionalist Catholics trying to paint the picture of what my life could look if I toed the line:

It’s one of the few things I like about the Church of England (not that “Anglican Communion” fuckery, just the good ol’ CofE): Several senior bishops (and more than a few vicars) have said “Just live a good life. The God stuff is optional.”

You what kind of position gravely hinders a member of the clergy from relating correctly to men and women? Holding the position that only a man can do his job.

Hot babes! Ripped hunks! That video has something for everyone except music lovers.

Catholicism: all the hypocrisy of other religions, but with more smugness!

That’s what’s so reactionary about this. They were fine with men who may not have really wanted to be priests but thought their orientation was a sinful urge that they needed the priesthood to resist.

But they’ll protect the priests when they rape altar boys? Apparently it’s not gay unless it’s consensual? 

yeah, as a militant atheist raised in this fucked up church, I laughed when everyone fell all over themselves for this guy. Number 1, he has a big American PR firm behind him so smoke and mirrors and Number 2 the church hasn’t changed a thing in 300+ years - what makes anyone think anything is going to change now.

because she is still after her daddys money

Sometimes I believe Kelly can be saved because a woman who really believed in what they were doing would not have thinning discolored hair and fucked up skin.