
It sucks because I am a big fan of Angelina and the humanitarian work she does but her attorney’s ties to that scumbag Harvey Levin makes me sick. I do family law and her bullshit of wanting the records sealed but only if he complies completely with her is emotional blackmail and bullshit. He does not have to comply

well, at least Scalia’s dead.

Me too, never cared for the remakes and can’t understand why they need to remake the remake! Are there no creative people in Creative?

I really don’t need to understand people who voted for an openly racist candidate. Those people don’t even think I’m the same kind of human as them. They want to take away some of my rights. So no, I don’t need to hear all about their feelings on how people like me and my friends are taking over “their” country. Fuck

I see no reason to give shitstains like this the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance. And they voted for Trump. That was their chance and they fucked it up.

Whatever gets clicks/viewers, they’ll do.

The media aren’t going to be satisfied until they’ve made this Nazi Pig a thing and he has tens of millions of followers.

He’ll still be able to fail upward. There’s good money to be made by spouting crazy. His bonafides are, if he wasn’t so important, then why did the Clinton conspirators have him fired?

This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.

Is this the same Michael G. Flynn that was offering cheap blowjobs on the Buffalo, NY Craigslist ?

There are nationalist political movements gaining traction throughout Europe. I assume/hope Merkel did some very pragmatic political calculus and decided to throw conservatives this comparatively inconsequential* bone with an eye on the bigger picture of staying in power and protecting those Muslim women from a worse

It’s been an amazingly heart-aching afternoon! #RealEstateEnvy

These assholes WON and they’re going out of their way to show their asses and attack others. What the fucking hell, conservatives? They just can’t help themselves.

Well how else is he supposed to liberate the children?

This is a microcosm of the threat that the white supremacists and their allies pose to our country.

Let’s add a few more layers of stupid. He believed the best way to investigate a crime is to walk in guns blazing. Like an episode of sherlock on meth.

Of course, he didn’t think that, he thought he was already right and would find evidence to prove it.

At least he was able to get a gun thank god

Deprogramming cult members require psychologists and social workers. Deprogramming a society requires civil war.

I’ll bet there are more pedos in Salisbury, NC than in a 10 block radius of Comet Pizza. Build a wall around these crazy red state motherfuckers.

This story just proves how stupid hatred can make you. This man honestly believed that a random pizza shop was a front for a child sex ring on the behalf of Hillary Clinton. A story that is fucking ridiculous to anyone with a half a brain, but because it involves Clinton this Klan wannabe was ready to go on a crusade.