R. damascena

That’s not fraud, though. When you move you register in the new state, but you don’t do anything to “unregister” in the old state, the states are supposed to take care of that. The point in pointing out that his cabinet members are registered in multiple states is that Trump falsely calls that fraud.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Rose Quartz is THE BEST.

They should put pies under a workout transparent floor. All kinds of pies, fruits and chocolate and coconut, just all kinds of pies. Working out with and for pies, I’d totally do that.

To be fair, with a well knapped chunk of obsidian you can slice a man in half before he even notices.

I say that the Democrats should do everything that they can to filibuster.

I would like a half million dollars for a kitty sanctuary. One of my cats is disproportionally large and may in fact be an ocelot. We were tricked by missus chritter’s school buddy!

I was always told life begins at 40. God damn liars.

That’s a good dog.

That’s giving him a lot of credit. Behind-the-scenes reports have said Trump ACTUALLY is/was enraged by the whole crowd thing. And obsessed with it. He’s talking about it at Congressional meet-ups, behind closed doors, etc.

very much enjoying Tim Kaine’s lil smirk up top there

Isn’t that already Flag Day? That’s the date my parents divorce was final, and my mother always felt all those flags were celebrating her freedom.

...and ordering a federal hiring freeze.

Trump has been participating in that protest for several decades now.

OK but they better have an giant ass cat that randomly wanders into frame and eats the entire bowl of food before laying there smugly, knowing what it did.

My lack of stars means many of you are voting for “giant turkey leg.”

Sweet vs. Salty Amusement Park Food is an excellent idea for Jez’ March Madness bracket. The argument about frozen lemonade vs. soft pretzels, if they both made it that far and idiots didn’t pick “giant turkey leg” instead of “pretzels with cheese,” would reverberate for months.

I know I’m in the minority on this but I love Dippin Dots...the coldness and the texture just does it for me. Banana split is my favorite flavor.

in Berlin:

I didn’t cry at all today at the march in LA. I was fine reading all of the news stories and coverage and women’s rallying cries. And then I got to Nicholas on the above list. And now I am bawling like a small child.