If they wanted an “oh no I have to evacuate” video, they could’ve probably just waited. It’s not even fall yet.
A random thing, I remember waaaaay back in the first season of NuWho there was a thing where ash was falling and people were like “wut, is this snow?” and I got irrationally pissed at it. You rained-on Brits, there is no way to mistake falling ash for snow unless you’re totally anosmic. It is VERY DISTINCTIVE.
Maybe nationally, but local news is going bonkers over this.
Guess what else happened—Rep. Duncan Hunter and wife got indicted. He’s the vaping congressman. Among other more important things, but that’s what he’s had articles on the Kinjaverse for. East County could flip blue!
…it’s breaded, Dr. Lawyer. I get that the demonization of bread is stupid, but this is an article about a thing that is covered in very many tiny pieces of bread and was probably not made by someone who thinks bread is evil.
A taco is made of circular breadstuff. While it is true that it has one closed side, it certainly does not have three open sides. It has infinite open sides, but half as large an infinity than if it was a quesadilla. I hope this clears things up.
Yep. High risk of food poisoning. We all should be having Thanksgiving dinner without stuffing stuffing up a turkey’s butt, vegan, vegetarian or omnivore!
Only a minority of Asian-Americans are against affirmative action. So cross that off the list of one.
Steak tartare. Or black and blue, if I can get it (read: if I make it myself). I love that chewy raw meat taste.
It’s better practice to cook the stuffing separate.
Building muscle in an area doesn’t remove fat stored in that area.
News in the US reports on frying an egg or baking cookies every heat wave. “Look how fucking hot it is” is a standard news thing.
Blasphemy! If your fries with stuff on them are a side dish, you darn well need to put more stuff on them until they’re a meal.
💖💖💖✨The real Q was in our hearts the whole time!✨💖💖💖
Looks like…a French Play-doh website. Huh. http://playdoh-lagaleriedesespeces.com/en/
Trump, there, was talking about how he supposedly broke attendance records. The Reddit person thinks that because there was a Nasdaq glitch involving the number 123.47, and B2 (the musical note) is 123.47 hz, and organs are musical instruments, it means something about B2 bombers, and that’s as far as I care to…