No real Angeleno would call 64º “balmy.”
No real Angeleno would call 64º “balmy.”
Bonus: produce tastes grossest when it’s most expensive and best when it’s cheapest. Get your citrus now, people.
Bravo for how ridiculous this is.
The unevenness is part of the experience. Like getting soggy fries and burnt fries.
Lime juice with salt and chili powder (or crushed dried chiles) is more customary than lime zest and chili powder. The juice makes the powder and salt stick.
I don’t know why this >0.5 yr old article is in the little top bar thingy, but I will say that Halo Top is gross and nasty.
Good save.
Just going to point out that that grieving widow’s husband did not perish in the service of his country, as the context implies.
Pshaw, San Diego started having these parties in 2009. …Which then promptly stopped in 2010 when the loophole in the “no alcohol on the beach” law was closed.
Orrin Hatch, probably.
Plenty of sushi has cooked stuff. No sushi doesn’t have seasoned rice.
Sidetrack: Home Depot or a gardening store would be a better place to get a machete than REI.
It’s. Not. Sushi. If. There’s. No. Seasoned. Rice.
Wakame! Best instant ramen addition.
Eh, just stick your face close to the bowl, shove noodles in your mouth and bite them off. Don’t wear a shirt you like.
Re: how little it takes: a good whack to the chest at exactly the right time will do it.
Fun thought:
Hatch has also been a major force in making sure you don’t know if your dietary supplements are real or actually just cat dandruff and food dye.
La Jolla isn’t by San Diego, it is just a neighborhood of San Diego.