Halfa Romeo. Dur.
Halfa Romeo. Dur.
big if true
I certainly wouldn’t call someone with differing tastes in holiday decorations an asshole. My friend has a Christmas tree and a menorah in his house.
“You want poor people to die.”
Same here.
Kia still makes the M715, so this is at best the 2nd-oldest platform you can buy new today.
still my favorite version..
Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.
As sad as we all are about Paul, this was no fault of Porsche’s, no fault of the driver, and all the fault of the owner for not changing the fucking tires.
Watch this video and try not to cry.
Someone needs to go there and walk through the rows and see if they can spot any jaw-dropping gems in the rough.
Sees picture of wonderful vintage Ferraris. Immediately spots Esprit.
It is embarrassing isn’t it? Imagine walking out to you DMW that’s a shoddy BMW clone and being like yeah what’s up check this whip out. I’d rather drive a 2000 Corolla
It’s weird to me that a culture so into “face” is so cool with plagiarism.
You’re just being paranoid, man.