Many people were complaining that it would “slow down the game”, and disagreed with it’s inclusion, but since there’s no climbing animation at all, everyone will probably use it now
Many people were complaining that it would “slow down the game”, and disagreed with it’s inclusion, but since there’s no climbing animation at all, everyone will probably use it now
People who complain about the lack of content are usually the people who rush through everything new when the game updates, I take my sweet ass time with everything GI has to offer, so I’m rarely ever out of stuff to do. There’s a shit ton of people complaining that the anniversary rewards are too small (I think they…
I agree, Dark Souls require a calm, thoughtful aproach to encounters, if you want a game that REALLY tries your reflexes and your capacity to absolutely master the moveset of the bosses, play Sekiro, holy shit, that game is kicking my ass in so many levels, I’m now at the final fight of the game against Isshin The…
I liked the whole Inazuma arc, I just find it hilarious how Kokomi did didily-dick and ended up being largely irrelevant to the story (except for the fact that she accepted help from the Fatui)
The game is fantastic and I hope it keeps doing well but 90% of the cosmetic items are awful, so let’s hope they get some more designers and shit to add more variety
Amazing news! Let’s hope they stay true to their words, can’t wait to see what they can do with such a fun game now!
I really dont get many of the complains about BL3, I did 3 playthroughs of it with different characters and enjoyed it a lot, the performance issues were fixed via patches, and the seasonal events were fun, if you are on the fence, buy it on sale.
How come it’s a spoiler when you know about this since a few versions back, Zhongli tells you that the Electro Archon were twins and that Baal died 500 years ago, but I guess the puppet part is kind of a spoiler (not really that much, since you learn this early on in Inazuma)
Thats the main reason everyone rolled for her haha
I’m totally gonna be that guy, but she is not Baal, Baal was her sister (whose real name was Makoto), the one we have in the game is Beelzebub (whose real name is Ei). Ei shut herself in her own consciousness while a puppet she made on her image rules Inazuma (the Raiden Shogun)
WAIT, DID THAT HAPPEN TO YOU AS WELL? I could never finish GTA VC because the final mission never popped up, and I played through the game twice!
Didn’t knew about this one! Thanks!
“(Pro tip for a non-pro: Shoot into enemy portals. You can’t see through them but if opponents are there and you land a hit, you’ll know it.)“
Not only this, but if you aim your pointer on the portal, it will turn red if there’s an enemy on the other side.
Having played a fair amount of hours of UT/Gold/2k4/3/ Quake 3, I can tell you this is not at all like that, the gameplay is Halo through and through, but with portals, its pretty fun!
If you are on the fence about this game, be not, on PS4 this game weights about 12GB so it’s very light, and also free. It plays very well (If you have played Halo or even Destiny you should feel right at home), and it’s very fun, it’s that kind of game you play when you say “well I have like an hour to kill so I’ll…
It is very fun, been playing it for the past week (when the servers aren’t full), and it handles really well, and the Portal mechanics are actually useful (when I remember to use them), it’s free so I have very little to complain about
Is she smart because she exploits loopholes to maximize herviewership (and revenue)? I mean, if you take a quick look at her instagram, you’ll know she is just basically promoting her onlyfans at this point
I mean he’s not exactly wrong...
I think the dock has an ethernet port
I read somewhere that Korra was in, not so sure about Aang but wouldnt be surprised if he was in too