I said this above, but I’ll paste it here too:
I said this above, but I’ll paste it here too:
“What you don’t realize is how much stuff is pirated that people NEVER would have bought.”
MtG is the closest I’ve ever come to a full blown addiction, and I didn’t even play that much. I just loved collecting cards and thinking up combos. So glad I got rid of all my cards.
I’m pretty sure that social media has been one of the biggest contributors to mental health issues in recent years.
I came across this from a Google search for “caps for sale blue color wrong.” I thought our copy was just a goof of the printer. How am I going teach my kid “the sky is blue” when he sees this seafoam green bullshit?
*Sits in my 2011 WRX and boos that man*
Did you miss the part where the UN literally laughed at Trump? Because that never happened to Obama.
This was just a crazy good article. Really nice work.
“but you try getting to Burbank during rush hour on a Thursday or Friday. It’s hell.”
This sort of thought process is infuriating.
How so? What about that person that won the 1.5B lottery jackpot. Ignoring taxes and lump sum, by your estimate, they became inherently evil overnight. Do you really think that?
Well yeah - I said wings, not chicken fingers. ;)
Zen’s ult decidedly does *not* do that. It heals like 300hps, which is less in an instant than a rip tire or DVa ult. Zen lives, but everyone else dies.
“We were premised this.”
I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.
but it is an imbalance.
If you call out discords and your team actually listens to them, it can absolutely sway the game. There’s a reason that just about every OWL team runs a Zen.
I was going to say it was “ok” but what was up with the wires/cabling? just.... weird.
Among the things I liked: Ezra Miller as the Flash
That seems to imply that the experience of Batman V Superman kind of soured everyone on the DCEU’s interpretation of the core Justice League members