
Looked it up. OK, that was pretty awesome.

you attitude is why Wally killed himself.

You’re crazy if you think this election is going to be a trouncing by either party. It’s going to be another 49/51 or 48/52 split. This country is divided right down the middle and the number of people that would cross that line to vote for a candidate on the other side of it is miniscule.

I regret that I have but one star to give.

Weird shit happened to me too once I started running. I started losing fat and gaining muscle. I slept better. I made friends with other runners and ran socially. I was just a generally happier person.

Except that further proves my point. OSS isn’t more secure just because it’s OSS. Someone actually needs to look at the code.

You ain’t Drew Brees, bro!

It’s on the side of his face too!

There’s also Amplitude, which, while not out yet, was demoed at E3. The key - really for any kickstarter - is to back people/teams that have an actual, reputable track record.


Yeah, but it’s the “libtards” that are destroying the country, duh. It’s not the intellectually dishonest, voting against their own interest, science disbelieving because the bible said so conservatives. They’re trying to “make the country great again.”

I think the Jets fan in the office next to me is literally crying.

I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.

F*** first.

I won’t say I listen to the guy all that much (it’s just not on my radar), but F.F. changed my relationship. What a fantastic idea.

I was billing at $650/hr as a 6th year associate a couple years ago at a big firm. No way any of the attorneys entering an appearance here are less than $900/hr. MAYBE some of the junior level grunts doing the work behind the scenes are in the $400-500 range, but nothing less than that.

nooooope. And there wasn’t any explanation attached to the one they posted after.

“Dance for us, monkey! Dance!”

Dammit. I was really hoping this game was going to be the one to push me over the edge of getting an XBO. After this review, I’m still on the fence. I love the nostalgia, but expect this will be like having 30 more games on my shelf that “yes, I’m totally going to get around to playing. No really. One of these days.”

Related: I have a 6 month rule on tattoos. I have to want a specific tattoo, in a specific place on my body for 6 full, continuous months before I allow myself to get it.