Actually, the law - which is what matters, not your sense of morality - is completely black and white on this. Used sales: fine. Libraries: fine. Pirating: not fine.
Actually, the law - which is what matters, not your sense of morality - is completely black and white on this. Used sales: fine. Libraries: fine. Pirating: not fine.
I disagree that "try before you buy" is a legit reason to pirate. That's what RedBox, Gamefly, etc are for. But that's just me - I haven't pirated anything in over 10 years - because I don't see any justification for it. Entertainment is a luxury; no one has a right to be entertained, even if they are just "trying it…
Understood. My point was - admittedly inarticulately put - "does somebody really need all of Adobe's suite? I pay only $10 for the two products I think most hobbyists would use."
How do you think the used copy got there? Because someone bought it in the first instance. Let me explain it to you like this:
Actually, in several programming languages, that's EXACTLY how you write comments.
"It's a shame that people don't get that every little change costs them a lot of time and money."
Not to be a smug dick PsykeSC and F50!!, but what you're experiencing is called "maturity." It comes from realizing that entertainment is not a necessity, but instead a luxury that you can do without if you can't afford it or simply choose not to.
But in this case his argument is invalid. He said he already bought it on PS3 but he is "trying it" on PC (to maybe purchase later on Steam). He already knows what it's like on his PS3, other than - to the OP's point - some potential functional difference between platforms, so that he's "trying it" is disingenuous.
With respect to buying used is the same as pirating, the fact you're completely forgetting the entire first sale doctrine is stupefying. The developer IS getting a penny, in some cases lots of pennies, from the person that bought the game in the first place. True, they get no money when that person turns around and…
$60/month? I get Lightroom and Photoshop - which is way more than I need as admittedly, just a hobbyist - for only $10/month. I'm totally cool making that investment each month.
[citation needed again]. I've seen the whole "snopes has been wrong on plenty of things" before but have never actually seen an instance where they were. If you have examples, I really would love to here. I'm interested in the truth and usually that is thrown around by people that don't like what snopes has to say,…
[citation needed]. If you're talking about the link below, it was hardly "sued a child care center out of existence." More like "made them take the mural down."
"Woman and men both really like shiny objects - be one!"
I would have left off the loser bit, but seriously, women get THE WORST messages from guys online. On just about every date I had via OKC and Match it came up how normal I was compared to the creepos on there. EVERY one of them had random dick pics and foot fetish (or worse) offers as an initial email. *shudder*
I give this trolling about a 6 out of 10. The tone and length successfully suggest you actually believe this utter garbage, and you got some nibbles. I'd work on responding quicker though to keep the flames stoked.
Eh, more like Gohan but I'll star ya anyway.
Don't worry, they started "working on it" in 2012.
There are just some sites you never want to hear from. And most of them end up all over your Facebook feed. However, you can now banish an entire site from your feed forever with this one trick! What happens next will amaze you.
Also, the Black Librarym (GW's publishing arm) has a "new readers" guide:…