
When they gave a Donnas album (Spend the night) a better review (2.9) than a tool album (lateralus 1.9), I ceased reading them. Spend the night was one of the worst albums I ever purchased (bought solely based on the song they included in Guitar Hero)

Wait, zoom in on that reflection.

Aero snap is the thing I love most about Win 7. I sorely miss it when I'm on my work laptop (XP). It's just so damn easy to look at things side by side.

#1 reason for me a standalone music player isn't dead: I don't want to expend the already paltry battery life of my phone on listening to music. It barely gets through 12 hours as is.

Just Happy Fun Ball. Not Super.

I'd argue anyone with sufficient money can fabricate a working model and those that can't, i.e., the single inventor, are blocked from patenting anything.

why? Why not just describe it in sufficient detail such that one skilled in the relevant technology could recreate it?

ah yes, so that only the inventors with the means to fabricate a working model (i.e., big companies) should get patent rights.

Just buy the Wire. It's worth it and you're rewarding the people that made it. Still the best show I've ever watched.

yeah, crappy tv shows like firefly, Dexter, Archer, Californication, the Office (UK and US) and on and on. I mean, it's your money and your taste, so do what you like, but I disagree with your characterization of their selection.

maybe he's counting on exactly that! *Dun dun duuuuuuuun*

Who drive car?

I stand corrected. Thanks (and sorry for the late reply).

maybe if people actually bought RB3 is would justify making an RB4.

Eff you. You know, as a Mets fan, I think that comment is... well sadly and painfully true. So very very true. *sniff*

When are people going to realize that consoles are like macs? You put a game in and "it just works." No one has a faster PS3 than anybody else, or a different video card, etc, etc. that developers have to keep in mind. And in some respects, this is a Good Thing (TM). It allows Sony and MS to control the experience

I hope you're kidding. The Orange Box gave you HL2, HL2 Eps 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2, AND Portal. Even if you roll HL2 Eps 1 and 2 into HL2, that's still 3 full games you got for one price. Color me not sympathetic.

I'm so pissed Coors co-opted that phrase. "Great beer" my ass.