
@Obi_The_White_Knight: Please tell you really named your son Anakin, because that would never fly in my house and I want someone out there to have done it.

@Cururu: Well played. +1 internets for you, sir.

@keiyakins: I ignored the Wii remote swipes, but the VMU should not have been on that list. In fact, it handily solved one of the most frustrating things about local multiplayer - being able to see what the other guy is doing. When playing NFL Blitz, the VMU's screen was a 3x3 grid that only you could see so you could

@zybon666: Really?! The rest of the Internet is only providing the remaining 5%? You're missing out on some great stuff man.... or you're just a weirdo.

@Benjammn: That's what I was thinking. I wonder if there was a collective "Sonofa.... " and forehead smacking at Optimus yesterday.

I loved the Superfriends as kid. I still can't hear "form of" or "shape of" - even in casual conversation - without blurting out an animal name or clever but useless water derivative.

@Gilthanis: Clearly you haven't tried interacting with a Goblin NPC when a Tauren on his mount is doing the same thing.

@WildTangent01: as Apple well knows, there's something to be said for aesthetics. While your solution would work, it'd also look crappy too. And be illegal (with respect to downloading the ROMs).

While I think this is awesome, I am concerned about the part where he says "Atari's got a whole bunch of other games coming out for iOS."

@chrisgordon: Not to mention VERY exaggerated hand gestures.

@tyrizzle: Reading a single comic is like watching 5 episodes of Dragonball Z.

@KingKirby: I have Pokemon platinum, but have played maybe a half hour of it. Can I still get these? How far into the game do I have to be?

@BroScience: and I have a bridge I'd like to sell you....

@Deckard: of course that's a feature and not a bug.

@hazuki: Yet. I'm joking, but do you think the Starcraft celebs in South Korea thought in 1998 they'd have the fame and money that they have now?

The lead shot in the HDR challenge is still the wallpaper on my 27" monitor. What a great photo.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: OK, so it sounds like you're main beef is with copyright, which I fully admit I am not well versed in. So I'll leave that alone. But thank you for not being one of the people that rail against all IP because of crap they regurgitate from slashdot.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: ok... so I have to ask, where are you standing that give you the viewpoint that nothing is being done in terms of "needed major IP law reform?" I mean, are you just an armchair complainer, an attorney, a legislater, a developer that is embroiled in a lawsuit?

@Marc Dizon: How is a using Leonardo DiCaprio and several other stars "taking a risk?" I liked Inception, but if you mean that making people think just a little is taking a risk... I dunno. And I really do mean thinking "just a little." The only thing that should be a "what if" coming out of that was "is he in a