Peter Souza IV

Anyone else want to face-palm over the author's "RIM's job" reference? XD

Cool... but why?

Does anyone else have a problem with a company limiting your usage on an unlimited usage plan? Did I misread 'unlimited 3G' and misunderstand their cellular usage index system for interrupting or cancelling your service if you exceed usage?

Maybe — but wouldn't whiteboard paint be easier and more economical?

EVerybody gets one.

Potato bread typically lasts a lot longer... probably other, heavier breads may too.

Another skewed/poorly performed 'study'. I wonder how they chose their 1.3% of the US population's internet. We've had 40 Mbps and 20 Mbps DSL very cheap in Boise, ID and surrounding areas for quite a while. There's no mention of how they arrived at their numbers, if it's per capita or per household, what ISPs they

I wrote the same program quite a while back called SSD Offload Buddy with shell extensions. Junction/symlinks are a great way to balance size and performance on SSD drives, especially with games you don't play often but still want to keep handy.

I have a 137" projection screen in my living room and and 60" LCD in my bedroom. There's a very large group of home theater enthusiasts out there who'd be very taken aback by this kind of mind set.

Hmm — well I appreciate the time that went into writing this article, but I've got a few problems: (a) it seems like you're writing this around promoting the eMonitor and Belkin devices (are you being compensated for this article and/or your opinion?), (b) the real money savers are the light bulbs and major appliance

I know a guy who nobody will hire because he has a felony on file (which last several years). When he was a young adult, he got stupid and tried to photocopy some money and got slapped for counterfeiting. He has to live off a fixed income budget because not even grocery stores will hire him.

Me too.

Disappointed too. Judging by the long list of complaints, is there anyone who enjoyed having this article on their gadget blog today? Didn't think so. :/

Disappointed too. Judging by the long list of complaints, is there anyone who enjoyed having this article on their gadget blog today? Didn't think so. :/

Hmmm.. so 1.9 billion known e-mail addresses in the world translates to exactly 1.9 billion people using e-mail regularly? How so? I probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 e-mail addresses myself.

I always see 'more memory' mentioned — but why, oh why, isn't memory speed ever brought up? Just because you have 4 GB doesn't mean squat if it's the slowest stuff around...

This is great to hear :D

Windows Media Center along with MediaBrowser and Media Center Master, of course. The only way to fly!

I can tell nobody here actually went to the site and read the F.A.Q.