Well, there is a truck involved so...
Well, there is a truck involved so...
If only there was a good guy with a truck...
Nah, it's usually the Middle East, then Europe, then the US.
Jalops gonna Jalop.
(Probably not the best time, but there’s a Renault 4 at the 22 second mark)
Only when touching the interior with my bear hands.
Of course there will!
Will there be an AMG Black version?
Part of me would be glad that this happened in the hopes that it might shake this one idiot loose from her faith-based nonsense thinking. Then again, the kind of credulous idiot stupid enough to think closing her eyes and praying to an invisible Kenny logins lookalike will accomplish anything of value is probably not…
The difference between an internet car and a traditional car is that connected smart operating systems like YunOS will improve the consumer experience beyond just driving...Smart operating systems become the second engine of cars, while data is the new fuel.
When the credits rolled, because then I knew I didn't have to watch any more of this disaster of a show.
Add in “Obama is directing the NHTSA to require it by 2018" and strokes will occur.
8. By 2020, all cars in China will be required to have lilac indicator lights instead of amber indicator lights, as the color lilac in China is traditionally associated with the process of changing direction, like the flower