
My condolences....

@Wolftech: NZXT Phantom was on their best list. I built my current PC in one (red). I like it so far. Only issue, no floppy drive space for my USB 3.0 breakout box. I'll have to get 5.25 to 3 1/5 adapter for it.

@7ruthslayer: I bit the bullet and bought a Nexus One from Google. Now I can have more than one button on my phone!

$650? It's just a board, a battery and touchscreen right? And ONE button. I could see it with Android phones since they have, like, 4 buttons. You can buy a laptop for way cheaper than that.

For $17,000 I want ceramic soaking tub with scrubbers to get the s'mores out from under my fingernails. And lots of jets, don't forget the jets. Oooohhh.

Hard to judge by just a picture, but the axle is a little too far back. Especially if the front white box contains the propane tank(s).

I am one of those suburbanites wanting the conveniences, even when out camping. But you either want something light and cheap ($4000 popup) or a real 27 ft trailer with all the toys. I saw one with a grandfather clock built-in. I give credit to people that design stuff a little less boxy. I think that enriches all our

See, this wouldn't happen in NASCAR....

Goes to show idiocy goes through internet 100 times faster than common sense.

Is it me or does it look bigger on the outside than inside?

I am moving to Oakland. Free laptops for everyone.

Sadly, against Geneva convention for being cruel and unusual punishment.

Crap, he is on my friend list...

I think you got the dumb/smart backwards!!!

Good observation. How does a phone dial 911 accidentally? Is there any way other than tapping phone and then tapping 9-1-1? What are the odds?

You are out of your mind. Do you really want the government or worse, private sector to track every financial transaction we make? Talk about a totalitarian society. This would definitely bring on the Skynet and "1984" and all other fascist like control of society.

Home automation has been around for years and years (X10 anyone?).

Didn't Nexus One purchased direct from Google have "clean stock ROM"?