
@falven2000: In the words of some famous person, "to copy from one person is plagiarism, to copy from many is research."

I read somewhere the reason they want people to turn off their cell phones is that during takeoff and landing, the cell phones will be in range of too many towers and that overloads the network which was not designed to handle this. But I am all for people staying quiet in the plane. I would like to be able to listen

@jdjuice6: You'd need a much bigger net for an RV.

@SRChiP: Hard G. The other one sound like a porn parody.

@maxsoe: Like Canadians...Cash, Eh?

@Cornish: How about rainbow hat? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Meh...I'll stick with AltaVista.

@John O'Riordan: I rather use a malware ridden windows machine than a clean Linux box. I did install Linux on my own PC but ended up removing it and going back to XP. I've been around long enough to know all DOS commands by heart and have Windows 3.1 and OSX running in virtual machines. If Linux really wants to knock

If it has blue tooth and connects to my PS3 and has a touchpad for mousing action, I'll buy one. As is, I need a bigger end table.

@SkipErnst: I think anyone can throw a needle. But to throw it with that much kinetic energy which requires a very high speed considering the low weight of the needle, requires a Shaolin monk.

@Brian De Leon: Yeah, it looks like the second hand got sucked in and got all bent up!

@Boj: Liquid over the limit? Some could slip on the soapy water and fall down and break their neck? Naw....these are just excuses so they don't look like asses.

I got paged in Frankfort airport because the security thought they had found a gun in my suitcase. I explained it was a lighter shaped like gun. They took my word for it and let me go.

@DamnItSunny: My wife had a jeweler make me a .22 out of gold. I won't take that with me then.