
Who in their right mind (I said RIGHT MIND) would want a body like kim’s? She looks ridiculous and those clothes accentuate how caricatured her body is.

the whole clan is a bunch of mutants, and it upsets me that this is the yardstick to which beauty is measured. All I can hope is that history does not remember them fondly.

I agree with all of this. She (Kim) just looks so try-hard, all the time.

That’s what they sound like in regular clothes, too!

The thing that drives me insane about the K clan is this. Kim looks fucking ridiculous. You do you but, the thing is this. There are young women out there comparing themselves to all of them. You will NEVER have a body like Kim’s, she didn’t even have a body like hers. Waist training, plastic surgery, fillers etc etc

I imagine these 2 walking and sounding like someone rubbing two huge rubber balloons together.

To set the record straight: I would still fuck an entire baseball team but not in one day, and yes, this rugby man can and should still blowing my fucking back out if there is mutual consent.

Open an account, buy a share or two of a minimally managed index fund with the lowest fees and then forget about it for 30-40 years

How to destroy your life and be a slave to the credit industry. Just fixed the title.

Dave Ramsey would be disappointed to read this.

When I’m feeling flirtatious I like to deepen my voice to a basso profundo level as I sidle up to my husband and say suggestive things. Then as he begins to respond to my very compelling advances, I switch to Donald Duck, and that sends him right over the edge into full blown lust.

This article just feels like it’s encouraging bad habits. The answer is to not take on additional debt in the first place. The best choice is to get out of existing debt by changing lifestyle and picking up extra work.  

To be fair to the author, this story does say that as well.

I think if the point of that statement has to be explained to you then you are the perfect audience for this blog.

Switch the murderer to the murdered, and the murdered to the murderer - and none of these jokes would be occurring right now.

folks usually unpack emotional baggage

I think the main problem is that your definition of “mud pit” is what the rest of the world calls a pond.

For the love of all things, yes. Let them struggle. Let them fail. Resist the urge to swoop in and fix things or make it easier.

My dad always said be careful wetting your willys because you never know when your rod will.... on second thought I'm not sure he meant it in this context.