Of course. Win 10 is maddening with it’s attempts to tie you into a microsoft account so they can track and control as much as you let them get away with. That’s the way of the whole world these days. Just yield. :(
Of course. Win 10 is maddening with it’s attempts to tie you into a microsoft account so they can track and control as much as you let them get away with. That’s the way of the whole world these days. Just yield. :(
There’s no guarantee that everything is there—certain programs may have been incompatible and couldn’t be brought along for the ride—but that’s an issue I’ll address in a later article.
You call it upgrade. I call it a necessary evil. Maybe even unnecessary since there are still plenty of people running Win XP.
Yeah, one very prgamatic hurdle that would keep public support low is reduction in pay and benefits. So unless you were paid a higher wage to make up for the loss of hours then no one is going to support it. And Lord knows employers won’t pay you more to work less hours.
I always figured they favored open floor plans on HGTV because they’re a lot easier to shoot a TV show in.
To be fair, in HGTV world they need open floor plans because of all the parties they throw because everyone loves to entertain so damn much.
As someone from the northeast, I always think open floor plans are ridiculous. If you have an open floor plan there is basically no way to control the temperature in your house when you are heating it! All those doors and walls are there for a reason!
Fuck open floor plans. Your kids can take a breath without you watching over them, I promise. You can also go without seeing the TV at all times (I say this as a devout TV watcher).
I don’t like it, but take your damned star
As my father always says “what would it take for you to stand in that small closet over there for 4 hours? Would you do it for $2,000?” If the answer is yes, never buy a first class ticket. The price of entry is incredibly disproportionate to the added comfort you receive.
Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).
Fewer people will pay for the higher class, or use miles/cash to request an upgrade, if they know there’s a chance they could get it for free. That appears to be the airlines’ rationale.
Agreed. All this non-binary, I identify as shit is just mental illness, although we can’t say that out loud these days.
“Did you just assume my biological kingdom?! I’ll have you know I identify as a protozoa!”
Ladies and gentlemen... that’s literally EVERYBODY. You can’t get more inclusive.
I still say ladies and gentleman. You can tell me your alphabet soup is normal now but there are only two genders. And thankfully there is nothing you can do to stop me. As it is I have been countering what my teachers fill my kids heads with. I taught my children that the stuff they are learning about multiple…
I’m not changing how I address a room to make up for <0.01% of the population suffering from mental trauma. I guarantee the potential buyers or partners I present to will have no qualms about it. Nice try though!