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    Amazing. Awesome for you all!!

    It actually sounds really nice but $100 for nylon & recycled plastic. Nope. Make it $30 and I’m in. For $100 I expect WR down. 11.4 oz is kinda heavy too (thinking from a backpacking perspective).

    It actually sounds really nice but $100 for nylon & recycled plastic. Nope. Make it $30 and I’m in. For $100 I


    80% of time? Where the heck do you come up with that from. Very simplistic calculation on “useable” time here (assuming 9 hours sleep every day - which really should be 10 but lets be at least a little realistic):

    wait to cut the corn after you’ve cooked it. MUCH easier to cut that way. The cob is softer. 

    This is the only way of doing it easily and well. It steams the corn. 3 minutes per ear (maybe a bit more if you are only doing one or two ears or if they are particularly large). I trim the excess silks off the top (NOT all of em, leave about 3/4" sticking out. Just neaten it up a bit). Microwave. Then cut the bottom

    The mix is to be highly recommended. You can add more cheese which it needs and go light or heavy on the butter. THIS stuff is what the in house biscuits should be (LOL personalization is a wonderful thing in food of course!)

    So tired of seeing purple head in the spot light of every photo of the team. 

    I can’t edit my original so I’ll add a new comment.

    I can’t edit my original so I’ll add a new comment.

    Nah, the deals aren’t on anything worth a crap. Not getting a thing.

    And then be sure to get one of these, or similar, so you aren’t suffering under the ridiculous proprietary scheme that SodaStream has set up...

    And then be sure to get one of these, or similar, so you aren’t suffering under the ridiculous proprietary scheme

    I need some East Coast love in this game. :’(

    You mean the same look she always has on her face?...

    Come on man what are you talking about?!! These things are amazing. They are going to be standard in our flying cars, haven’tcha heard??

    I am with you. BUT damnit, when something has to be told twenty times that is problem enough that praising when they finally get up and do whatever is NOT likely to happen.

    As long as they can ride the speed limit of the road I’m on then I don’t mind em. But bikes should NOT be allowed to be piddling along at 18 - 25 mph (or less) on a 45+ limit road. Stick to the neighborhoods or roads with dedicated bike lanes. Otherwise you are an idiot waiting for your turn to be seriously injured or

    The boys need to be taught not to be total Aholes. The girls shouldn’t dress like whores. Nice and balanced.

    Here here. And when do we get the opposite article about how the women NEVER do the yard work, fix the broken power tools, build the decks, repair busted pipes, clean the pool, keep the vehicles running, replace the burned out drive motor on the washing machine, unclog the drains and fix everything that breaks in the

    What you should say: “I’ll pray for your kids.”

    Because there are fundamental rights and wrongs (truths) in the world and people that refuse to accept that. They only believe what they deem to be right or wrong. I don’t know a thing about Hillsong but they have the whole gay thing right.