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    Still don’t believe that a $60 water sprayer made it on the list...

    Still don’t believe that a $60 water sprayer made it on the list...

    This is the only way to handle the situation. Man up. Have fowl for dinner and goose egg omelet for breakfast.

    Don’t think I believe your name.

    Yeah but winning is the key to getting young kids interested in games period. Luck games are fine. I still will cheat with the younger kids so they will win or be very close. Your skills are weak if you can’t successfully cheat at Candy Land with a 3-4 yr old and make it come out whichever way you want....

    If you accepted when they are 3-4 that may have been the issue...

    Castle panic is great for so many things - reading (I force my 5 year old to read the “phases” on each of his turns so he remembers what he needs to do. Very basic addition & subtraction (each had he has to draw up to a certain number of cards. I make him calculate how many he needs to draw). And it involves orcs and

    Lighten up Francis.

    I still use the “it hurts?” (when I know it doesn’t really). Grab the butcher knife from the block. “Welllll guess we should cut it off” wave knife around maniacally.

    Lack of beatings early on...

    Only one thing wrong with your post; you fail to make it clear that the girls to the same thing. They also rank the other girls.


    You must mean the future where humanity no longer exists obviously. Otherwise you are mistaken.

    Nope. It always has and always will exist. From men and women. Until you can artificially alter minds then it will exist because - humans. It’s just that now every fringe group is being supported in their outrage. Ya’ll have fun with that. You judge people artificially and superficially just like everyone else.

    And wouldn’t have if they had been aware of the fact because he had been diagnosed with his problem and the dr’s doing such had reported as they should have. The rules to prevent it are there. But too often they are not followed. How can the guys selling the gun know anything about the buyer beyond the fact that he

    There is no way that the guy is going before a judge and saying “don’t give her a restraint against me because I’ll lose my gun rights.” I call BS.
    Something else is going on that bars it - whatever the guys is doing doesn’t breach the threshold to place a restraining order perhaps but it’s not because the guy will

    How do you even pose that as a question.

    I suggest trying to decide not if you want kids but rather can you handle a change in your (stealing this from another comment) Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed life (because that’s mostly what you have before kids) to one that is almost entirely focused on someone else and one that will 95% of the time disrupt

    For $60 it better freakin wash my car without me being involved!

    For $60 it better freakin wash my car without me being involved!

    That’s funny and TERRIBLE.

    That certainly adds value in my book!