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    I picked up a new pair of shorts and winter stretch zions from this sale. Never tried the winter version before and I can’t wait for cooler weather they seem like they are going to be AWESOME. The thin material limits the normal stretch zion mostly to hanging in the house when it’s cold out. If you haven’t given the

    I picked up a new pair of shorts and winter stretch zions from this sale. Never tried the winter version before and

    And it’s doubly BS that the poor excuse for a judge is saying that he initially denied bail because he didn’t have enough facts to start with. All he knew is that she was charged with indecent exposure; she might have been a flasher. So what?! She assumedly has no prior record of significance (which he would have

    Babies?! Hell CHILRDREN are all vampires straight up.

    I’m with you! I have a three pair of pants and a pair of shorts. The wife has more. They as long as you aren’t going through heavy brush and briers they are great! Worth the high cost.

    I’m with you! I have a three pair of pants and a pair of shorts. The wife has more. They as long as you aren’t going

    Yes. What if you spent 20-40 years making $150k+ a year (joint) at today’s 32%. You pay off a home, get the children through collage and then retire and only pull say $40k-$60k a year out of the retirement account. And the tax rate then is only 24%. That’s my current situation and expectation and why I prefer a deferre

    Exactly what I’m thinking about this. I expect to have between 1.5 -2mm when I retire. I’ll pull ONLY income from my 401k for 7 years when my pension kicks in (giving me an auto $43k a year), then a couple years later I’ll start drawing SS. In no way will I ever be making more than $80k a year in my retirement which

    Oh yes please, let us troop another mile or two down the road of making aberrant, unhealthy immoral behavior more “accepted”. Everyone enjoying the ride to hell in that handbasket?.. *sigh* 

    Very glad to see that as many people have called this advise BS as they have in the comments. Disrespect for adults should not be tolerated. Children should learn to better deal with their emotions and that only happens by being taught how. Letting them scream and shout and slam doors is NOT the correct way to teach

    That’s certainly better than what is suggested here but why allow one parent to be disrespected but not the other (yeah I get it but my point is valid too. Kids should respect mom & dad).

    Pellet gun works wonders assuming you are somewhere a .22 isn’t possible.

    Now you might be going just a bit far.... unfortunate.

    Unfortunately you will never get out of the grey and not many around here will star you. Excellent post. Jez and Deadspin will never put forth such honest and factual information.

    Just like all of those examples in that statement. Nothing but BS arguments, marriage isn’t illegal and consensual sex isn’t illegal. Prostitution IS illegal.

    And if skinny arse GP did that to someone they were either a six month old infant or GP would have been at least half as messed up. Guy is full of BS. Maybe it was one of her bodyguards...

    This is the ONLY correct response to such an inane article as Hannah “fools” Gold has wasted her time writing. :)

    Thank God I’m a man!

    The biggest thing this story says to me is how very badly every single political office should have term limits. Lifetime politicians are not good for things. :(


    The percentages are simply because many of the people that could purchase a home don’t (not saying that everyone can manage it). They’d rather live somewhere that the cost of living simply puts them out of the market (any major city...) or because they would rather just live in an apartment.

    85% of people questioned in the U.S. and Europe