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    The one post I’ve read that makes since without being filled with “religion hate”. Thanks.

    Abrams, like all of you posting here, are butt hurt and sore. She lost but instead of doing so with an grace she’ll whine and b#tch and tie up millions of dollars in pointless suits. Glad she’s gone. If you actually file suits, you’ll lose them, then please just leave and don’t come back. K? Thx. 

    Please let her plan to run for office again somewhere OTHER than Georgia. Maybe as dog catcher in LA. Maybe she would be appreciated there. Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

    A pox on all you haters (which as far as I can tell is every post in this thread).

    I think he just means Apocalypse bad. If the dem gets the office we’ll have already heard the sirens, gotten our guns and started migrating out of the state trying to collect as many bottle caps as we can along the way.

    Every single post here ignores the only really important line in this article.

    So tired of the feminist left maniacs that want to shove their agenda down the rest of the world’s throat. Instead of realizing that maybe being over weight and unhealthy is a the problem they should personally deal with they want to assault a company that isn’t bothering them in the least (no one has forced them to

    Maybe Americans should figure out that 5'3 & 168 is overweight and unhealthy and they should get a little more exercise, eat a few more veggies and skip the freakin double latte in the mornings...

    That’s just it. The wack left has worked hard to get what they want and this is further results of it. They find something they don’t like that isn’t really bothering them in general, assault it and screw it up for the sane non-outspoken people that were perfectly happy with the thing that the left didn’t like. Crazy

    No you have a failing of the system to recognize and successfully intervene in a clear case of mental instability. So instead of acknowledging that fact, lets just continue to demonize guns and the millions of gun owners that never have any problem at all. 

    So the obvious answer then is to remove everyone’s guns instead of addressing the clear problem that society has of ignoring mental health issues (regardless of if the one with the issues owns a gun or not). Sure that makes sense.

    Make your plan. Carefully type it out and print it & frame it. Then douse it gasoline and toss a match on it. That’s how most plans that in any way involve children work. Have fun with that.

    Perspective in our first world is a wonderful thing and there is NEVER enough of it.

    Got nothing against RBG but it’s the perfect time to retire. :)

    What garbage. A lot of sore folks because even with the almighty help of Oprah she couldn’t win. Granted it was close but enough reasonable and intelligent people in Ga see Abrams for who she is - a maniac liberal fool. And those people went out and voted against her. Good riddance Ga doesn’t want and certainly

    Because he’s the Gov Elect. LOL

    An ENTIRE stick of butter for one batch of PC?
    Not sure if I am horrified or awed.

    An ENTIRE stick of butter for one batch of PC?
    Not sure if I am horrified or awed.

    Just the state of the world where we accept and laud someone promoting such unhealthiness.

    We absolutely dodged a bullet! Way to go Ga Republicans. Good on us for turning out to fight Abrams and Oprah. 

    Yep, because the states with GOP leadership have enough voters with sense to out weigh the fools that vote for leftist maniacs like Abrams. She pulled out all the stops, hell brought in the biggest gun that exists for black women (Oprah) and she almost managed to get away with it. But not quite. The Ga voters pulled