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    It’s called reinsurance. Your company, and mine, have it. Our corporate overlords will take a hit this year, profit sharing won’t be as good as it could have been, but if you work for a large company you’ll be fine. Nature of the biz.

    I don’t hate math nor am I terrible at it. But I do look at math instructors like there is something wrong with them because they like it so much as to make a career of it. LOL.

    Hmmm, or just not give kids cell phones. That works too. Until they are going off by themselves outside of direct supervision they do not need one. Tablets and PC’s are more than enough and can more easily be monitored.

    The story I’m telling myself is you bitty’s all get eaten by sharks because you rejected me.

    That’s more along the lines of the stories I tell myself in my head about those around me. I usually feel much better afterwards. :)

    Or maybe you don’t know a damn thing about this guys kids. Or any other kids that are raised with values and some self discipline and long term goals. Not all teens are completely irrational and lacking in self discipline sex beasts...

    Um, separation? Divorce? GTF outta town? These are options to solve the “problem”. Murder isn’t.

    Ain’t impossible. Don’t believe it.

    Which is the problem with this stuff in the US. It’s like 2-3 times the cost of a similar amount of “normal” ice cream from anywhere else. AND it’s just meh. :(

    All of these are great examples!

    Bah! Never happens.

    Someone choosing to be in a sexual relationship of the same gender is not the same as someone planning on doing what you described.

    Also well said.

    No doubt. Not trying to prove it to you. I can give you my “testimony”, explain why I believe it and the ways that I see God and what my faith in Him is to me. But none of that is what this article is about. It’s about this priest saying things that are not Biblically supported and talking about accepting what the

    The flaw with your thoughts is that you are not doing what Jesus commanded Christians to do. You respect your homosexual friends enough to condemn them to an eternity in hell if you aren’t trying to help them understand that what they are doing ultimately leads to just that.

    What would you think of your friends if you

    Well said.

    Except that God is never wrong. :)

    The fault is with man for not being able to understand. Anyone that doesn’t understand hasn’t spent enough time in God’s word and should work on that.

    Jesus specifically said that marriage was designed by God to be between a man and woman. Two men or two women can be “joined” and call it whatever they want but it is not Biblical marriage. Matthew 19:1-8

    Sorry. Disagree. If you are buying baby clothes before the kid arrives and you want gender neutral then sure fine. But dress your kid, mostly, the way they should be dressed. We HAVE genders. Embrace them. It is hard enough growing up as it is, stop confusing kids and making it even more difficult. Despite what so

    While harsh, this is good advice.

    Well played!