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    This type of thing is usually ongoing. Maybe every couple of months. The effects wear off.

    yep. Had a vas already. Not a big deal. :)

    See this is it here. “OOOOO!! Needle!!” Whatever. Piercings down there are a thing. As is the evidence that your own blood platelet-rich plasma can have some amazing effects on your body. Back pains, knee & hip issues really any kind of joint problem can be treated with this same thing. Platelets are awesome.

    Sorry, even if the kid was removing from wherever it was to toss it to the ground if it was in his hand and could be distinguished to look like the above pic shows then he’s pulling a gun on a cop. Bad things happen at that point.

    You are crazed or have never been around children of various ages. A toddler has no clue not to point anything at anyone. A thirteen yo SHOULD. I could give a 100 examples. I’m honestly stunned that someone would make such an intentionally ignorant statement. Children develop as they age. They gain more responsibility

    Any real dog would simply knock the stand over sit down and chew the end off the bottles and profit. Might take five minutes. For this to work for a real dog it would have to be staked down so as not to be knocked over and the bottles would have to be chew proof. :/

    Wait... that’s the whole article advertisement?

    Wait... that’s the whole article advertisement?

    Root access is not indicative of cheating. It’s an indicator, mostly, that someone knows enough to be able to delete bloatware and tweak their phone for optimal performance.

    Maybe I’m wrong,but...was this law gender-specific? I thought it means anyone could do this in public,not just horny,69-year old men. (Though the likelihood of a woman rubbing one out at the Coliseum is probably nil).

    One time I tried to put the bar down and these snow-bros wouldn’t let me cause they liked it up. Since then I don’t even ask, I just pull that shit down.

    Scott’s is the best if you are using it to set a Hash House Harrier trail through the woods. The worst to wipe your arse with.

    Scott’s is the best if you are using it to set a Hash House Harrier trail through the woods. The worst to wipe your

    One of the best parts of the vid is how even the pro’s are actually just making their best guess when something needs fixing for these little issues.

    Sure, unless one of the kids in his class (or school, for that matter) ruins it for everyone by having a Deadly Peanut Allergy.

    Yeah but big muscles are the same thing for women evolutionarily speaking; big strong capable guy = better protector and provider. But we still let guys go around with their shirts off flexing and being all macho. I say as long as the ladies don’t mind that I look then they can bare the breasteses. By all means,

    They should just ban all swimwear for everyone. That’s a much better solution in my mind. :)

    for at least a year before marriage. That’s when all the shit comes out

    Wow, good work guys. I think this chart started making rounds about ohhhh, a month ago.... :/

    Actually I disagree I ignore the K’s a little bit more than I do the W’s so I think that makes Kim and Friends/Family a little bit less important. Of course I think the Royals are completely unimportant.

    I think we should get a closer to the original spirit of the Olympics and the ladies should just play without suits at all. Just like in the above. Would becomes the highest watched Olympic sport in history.

    As long as you live near a dense “population” of stops it’s easy to always have enough balls of all types. If you don’t have easy access to a place with 15 -30 stops in a mile radius it’s hard to have enough to make consistent exp gains from captures. You can throw WAY more that 3-6 balls in the five minutes for one