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    Guess we shouldn’t be eating the dogs or drinking the water. Damn. :(

    heh. I’m feeling good for a Monday. My 7yr old has pretty much all of this down. Still working on cooking but you can only do so much when you can’t reach everything. Good luck to all the rest of the parents out there!

    Oh my.

    And we would all appreciate it. She’s smokin.

    Well you can suck on his D while he sucks on your toes. ROFL!

    It must just be me this morning but I can’t stop laughing at this.

    Witch or Wench? I can never guess the correct one until I’ve around a female for a little while.

    That’s it right there. Corp clients don’t like changing OS ever. And 7 ended up pretty popular in the Corp world when XP went out. I’m perfectly happy with 7 and will stay there till it’s support goes offline.

    No, sadly it is not. It is a story pushing a political opinion using a dead baby. Which is incredibly sad. That this child died is horrible. I’m a parent and my youngest is still in daycare. Something like that was my worst nightmare when he was a babe. Any honest parent will admit that something happening to their

    What I want to know is how to arrange for my wife to get set up taking a placebo and regimen to get the effects described above. Skip the drugs and get on with the psychological adjustment to our frequency.

    Oh PLEASE put one of these in Atlanta!

    Yep. Pyramid schemes work great until they don’t anymore. :(

    My girl has never and doesn’t ever masturbate. I get the same response from her. Me: “what would you like?” Her: “I don’t know!” Drives me nutz. How do you do that. You’ve lived with yourself for 35 years. at least 20 - 25 of those you’ve been physically mature enough to be sensitive down there and you NEVER bothered

    Pegasus for a couple decades now. Love em love em.

    Pegasus for a couple decades now. Love em love em.

    I would KILL for my wife to be tired after sex like I am. She gets a boost and is then wide awake for another hour most of the time keeping me up. *SIGH* Mine usually gets off from oral first as well. When she is on top she can get herself there but not many other ways very consitently.

    This guy is not worrying over ounces. Lots of places he could cut those out if he were working on going light. I won’t even mention ultra light cause that’s not the point of this build out.

    Let’s see, get off work, pick up child #1 from pre-school, pick up child #2 from after school program, get them home make sure they take care of their pets, clean up the kitchen so I can work on dinner, (stop any fighting that happens while I’m in the middle of cooking) get child #1 all set with the bathroom and

    Smooth and clean for me and her. Nothing better when you just fresh clean up. SOOOOOooo slick and smooth. Nothing better than going down on her after she has just cleaned up either! MmmmmMMM!!!



    Then WHY are you living in a place that is SO dangerous to your child!! OMG you horrible parent. You should pack up and move to Iowa right now. Start farming corn. And don’t forget your helicopter when you go. The rest of us that have average intelligence and love our kids as much or more than you do yours (you DO