
And the humidity was 79% for most of her time there, plus kevlar, plus concrete heat island, plus crowd, plus pneumonia.

No, it also depends on humidity

Do your friends find you exhausting too?

It was 80% humidity at that time, and dropped to 40% by 1pm. Texan opinions aren’t relevant in this case

I have a list of musicians and/or songs that I respect, but I’m finished listening and never need to do so again. Although most are in the same category as Dylan, Clapton, Beatles, etc., I also cringe at a certain number of immensely popular Motown selections (used as the soundtrack to every movie and advertisement).

And to be fair, cargo short pockets basically look like testicles.

Ok then: I’m not aware of any evidence the Green Party runs many candidates outside presidential elections.

And for those of us without PTO?

I agree the quality is shitty (didn’t Jet Blue once use a provider that allowed video streaming?), but if you buy it prior to reaching the in-plane wi-fi network it’s $16 for 24-hr domestic access.

When you attend a show alone, it’s nice to have a phone to occupy your time between what ends up being ridiculously long breakdowns/setups between bands. This also goes for when the main act intentionally delays their appearance.

It’s a real life variation of the fox, rabbit, and cabbage crossing the river riddle!

This has happened to me many times. Jezebel should investigate and ask a spokesperson from Facebook about their “review” process and why violence against women “memes” are never removed unless thousands of people report the same one.

A very passionate but reasonable Sanders campaign employee personally confirmed the same to me.

I wonder if the DNC will provide biohazard suits during the National Convention, since the BoB crowd is 2 degrees from flinging their own feces.

You sound charming!

That source definitely does not appear at all biased

The ones who want to sound “reasonable” will state their intention to vote for Stein, who has next to zero political experience.

Catapulting a Republican into the WH will totally eradicate this issue!

I recently found out a “boutique fitness and wellness center” in my neighborhood is also drenched in Landmark influence. Cults aren’t healthy!

Only an old would appreciate the Mr. Hands reference in an episode featuring both Vanessa Williams and the millennial workplace social media fuck-up plot!