
If this isn’t sarcasm, send me to the glue factory.

If Bernie calling Hillary “unqualified” isn’t a blatant case of pot > kettle > black, I don’t know what is.

I’ve had recent frustrating conversations with people who don’t vote because they “don’t want to participate in a corrupt system” yet still want to be part of a revolution. I don’t know how to get through to them.

NPR had some excellent coverage on the Davis influence among conservatives who were supposedly grateful for Kynect, but unaware of or didn’t care a Democrat had provided it and were determined to vote against their interests (one subject was convinced she wouldn’t need it much longer if she voted Bevin). Closer to

I watched from a distance as Beshear worked his ass off for your state, and how Democrats subsequently failed to show up and support a candidate who would have likely preserved his work. Democrats did the same for Obama 2010 and beyond after the ACA.

How on Earth did Bevin happen? I also once lived in Kentucky, and still wonder when “y’all” are going to embrace nice things. As I understand, Democrats simply needed to show up for the election, right?

You get no contempt from me. That said, I’m over 40 so I might not count.

As a fellow Old who remembers when public media consumption (prior to the consumer internet) was limited to a number of outlets, a lot of younger voters also have no frame of reference to illustrate the environment of that time. After eight years of Reagan, the GOP mastered the “tough on crime” rhetoric. William

If I had an arrest record, I might have trouble finding work. :/

“Lacks experience” is indeed inaccurate, but maybe I’m reacting more to the ??? in between President Sanders inauguration and “revolution.” I’ve been following his work for a while and he has equal success and strike-outs on past legislation. Is he willing to play dirty to advance his agenda?

They couldn’t be bothered for the House, Senate, state legislatures, and governors races during much of Obama’s 2 terms, so why would I trust my future to them now?

I don’t think of him as a crazy grandpa. I can’t support him in a presidential role in part because although his heart is in the right place, he lacks the experience to deal with sociopaths. I also don’t trust many of his supporters to commit themselves to every off-year election; recent conversations have revealed

I wish I was confident that Sanders’ support will translate into dedicated midterm and other off-year participation.

You don’t have to convince me. You do, however, have to overcome a major obstacle in the form of the average American mindset.

The $15/hr mantra is a major part of his campaign. Hypothetically if President Sanders was indeed able to negotiate $12/hr, would I be able to get signed statements from all of his supporters guaranteeing they wouldn’t be angry at such a compromise, and continue to vote in every midterm despite any disappointment?

No, this just happened with many of Obama’s supporters over the last 4-6 years because they were disappointed with the reality of what he needed to do in order to implement any kind of progression.

Get out of my brain! Haha ok you can stay.

While I don’t think either of them meant to sound tone-deaf, it would behoove all men to avoid the phrase “voting with vaginas” in any context.

So what will you do if she is the nominee?

It’s amazing, right?