
Honestly, if she’s pregnant, I just may give up on the show. Pregnancy plot lines are (to me anyway) just as lazy and overused as rape plot lines.

How the fuck was this created so quickly...

Interesting to see that direwolves dying is where people draw the line.

Rape, murder, incest, ok..kill off direwolves that we basically never see, and people are losing their shit.

In Poland, where this game was made, discussion and representations of sexual acts or human bodies are much more socially accepted than in the US.

Obligatory it’s okay to murder countless people but sex is bad post.

Sorry prude. :)

For real, look at the comments around here, people saying she’s a shitty actress and that noone will remember her 10 years from now, how she’s an idiot because she thinks feminism should be about equality.

Say it louder for the people in the back.

hillary supporters are the definition of white feminism. When i brought up the “super-predators” comments they all told me it was 20 years ago and to get over it! While also constantly ignoring the huge diversity of the sanders supporters is out right despicable. It’s bullshit.

I think it’s funny that she got cut out of the Amazing Spiderman 2. When your scenes get cut from a film that is so bad it forces Sony to run back to Marvel for help it may just be a sign...

Forget in a few years, right now I’m betting at least 90% of the people reading this article did so just to find out who the hell she is.

Thank you. This article seems pretty anti feminist.

I agree 100%. Hillary is going to get the nomination and instead of attacking Bernie supporters it will be better to try and convince them to vote for Hillary. Obviously by attacking them it is going to turn them off your candidate, people on here say they no longer support Bernie because of his supporters. That

My take away from her statement?

In stereotyping a #teambernie “type,” you’re effectively ignoring many of us who are, in fact, lifelong feminists, like Nina Turner, Tulsi Gabbard, Michelle Alexander (author of The New Jim Crow) who also support Sanders. Not to mention me—a 40-something Latina who holds multiple degrees, works three jobs to survive,

Considering Jezebel’s fascination with Justin Trudeau I’m surprised nothing has been written about Elbowgate. The stupidity of it is perfect for a lazy Sunday.

There are a lot worse things she could be doing. And lots of people that merit a snarky blog post more than her.

Uhh...your slant is showing.

This lady has said some weird stuff in the past but I am not sure why expressing her rather innocuous political views makes her worthy of ridicule. This post reminds me how this supposedly women-friendly site can be pretty spiteful and petty towards particular women.

I can not wait for this election to be over. Both hillary and Bernie supporters have turned me off to both canidates. Ill still vote for Hillary in november because i cant let trump win. but reading the comments and seeing the same conversations over and over again.