
though most comments were some variation of, “YAAASSS,”

yep all those moms that have been complaining about shit since Tipper Gore sure hate when women don’t placate dude’s boners

if you FORCED me to pick a football team to get targeted by suicide bombers then yes I suppose it would be Man U

sounds to me you really don’t care about quality so much as if females and POC are involved, plus i don’t think SNL would address those topics better than say Sam Bee or the hundreds of other sites covering the same topics.

does anyone really still watch this show? i’ve checked out a long time ago

i bet you went to public school.

you mean kike males right?

hence why he said YOLO

My preference would be for someone with legislative experience willing to compromise for his goals

It’s grating as a POC who might otherwise enjoy these works

Straw Dogs.

and yet all of us here will keep clicking on his bullshit articles.

wow you really are a Gamergater, first your ethics in journalism bullshit then this hate for golden god Sam Biddle

you are as tired of seeing rape in movies and tv shows as people are of hearing about it in real life.

really? did no one remember she is best friends with Mel Gibson, of course she is a piece of shit. surprised we are all suddenly supporting her, christ right-wingers say one good thing out of the thousands of bullshit, and we hold her up as a woke bae

yep and no rational person would vote for him or Hilary

how the fuck did Cox think she would get away with that? doesn’t she have a twin brother?

know there was a lot of speculation that she’s closer to 40 than 30

um, the obvious answer is that time moves slower in Australia
