So, being back home for Christmas and around my brother for the first time in a good six months is a sort of strange, cathartic, bite my tongue fun.'It's Christmas so we'll stop' is the theme song of the holidy
So, being back home for Christmas and around my brother for the first time in a good six months is a sort of strange, cathartic, bite my tongue fun.'It's Christmas so we'll stop' is the theme song of the holidy
Aw man, I loved Kings,
Hey, whats are the odds on a monkey slapping one of the characters or a character slapping a monkey in the script?
has anyone else done the whole screenplay/ album thing?
I saw that it was trying to say something, but just couldn't get into it at all. I guess 'the boy' is just so far removed from me that I can't get into the issues or that the script is just bad at explaining the issues.
It was good, but how does NBC screw up a live show's sound when they're the only network still airing live TV (SNL) on a regular basis?
The white noise was awful, and how do SNL and 30 rocks live episodes manage to pull off not looking like a soap opera when they seemed incapable?
I can't list my favorite songs because I really haven't listened to a bunch of critical favorites of this year.
Haim and Chvrches mainly but I really haven't given James Blake the time of day
and I think I listened to Pedestrian Verse once? not nearly enough.
And Jason Isbell, I really haven't kept track to his solo…
Does everyone just read Kitchen Confidential and nothing else Bourdain's put to paper? He's said incredibly recently that he's always been a sellout, ever since he first cooked brunch, and that he does these shows because people pay him and he likes hanging out with his friends Ludo Lefebvre and Nigella Lawson. He…
I posted this earlier, but the convention of imported canned tomatoes comes from the earlier waves of immigration of italians who desperately wanted a taste of home, except they couldn't get tomato sauce tomatoes in New York Tenements at the time so they had to use all of these canned and preserved ingredients.
Exactly, classic italian red sauce cooking was trying to recapture the taste of the incredibly poor italy that they left in the first place, and the only way they knew how to do that was by using canned everything. We, in the 21st century, can do better than that. Pasta Puttanesca is known as whore's pasta because…
Colicchio is big on using the right word for what you are serving, you can call it whatever you want, but if you call it ____ he's going to expect ______. I think it's mainly a reaction against a lot of chefs abusing name recognition to sell something that lacks the spirit of a dish.