
I can already hear shades of Margo Martindale in her voice - "it was in the glass…"

Just use spoiler tags (without spaces): < spoiler> < /spoiler>

Agreed, I was expecting more John Wick style non-stop action, but I still liked the film. I did appreciate that the fight scenes were much more choreographed and not shot with a million cuts.
I liked the spy shit, and I'm also baffled by reviewers who call a plot "nearly impossible to follow" when all you have to do is

Yep, he's killed near the end

And….Preibus is out.

I've seen the argument made that since in the book, the monster says that he considers Victor Frankenstein to be his father, then him also having the same surname would not be incorrect.

Since the maximum you can win is $150,000, why isn't it called the $150,000 Pyramid?

Except for maybe Hot Pie. He's a survivor

Guess we'll have to get Joe Abercrombie instead

Yet one more reason why I love my local theater. Even with the luxury lounge recliners fully back and the foot rest up, there's still room for people to walk down the aisle

The problem with "they" revoking his security clearance, is that the ultimate arbiter of what's classified and who can have clearance is the president.

And his classmates can casually throw out "gay" and "retard" with no one batting an eye. And Young Sheldon will surely be the target of a vigorous game of "smear the queer"

Particularly after being pointedly reminded of that fact by the presence of a female Master for this entire season

Great choice, too. I don't even really recall her name being one of the ones, male or female, being brought up

True, although he honestly wouldn't be a bad Q

Even better, get a bunch of the actors whose names have been bandied about to cameo, and have his face briefly cycle through them during the regeneration process before finally settling on the actual new Doctor.

Maybe Prince Harry is free?

Having been in Sherlock, the Hobbit and Hitchhiker's Guide, Martin Freeman is ready for his next role in a beloved British series. If he's not the next Doctor, he'll be the next Bond

For efficiency's sake, he could just play the Doctor in the Spider-Man outfit, but no one ever makes any reference to it.

Didn't you get the memo? We're not allowed to have nice things anymore