@SportBilly: Like this.
@SportBilly: Like this.
@Hiphopopotamus: Yeah, because once you use those electrons, there is no getting them back.
@thehouserules: In all reality, we are both off in our understanding of 'custom,' which means basically that something is made to a person's order. Most ROMs are in fact just mods, and not made to an individual's request.
@Aaron Crabtree: Agreed. They really need to crack the bootloader.
@FigNinja: Agreed. But 'lots of us here' are not the ones with the banhammer in hand. Clarification is needed by the powers that be.
@thehouserules: Please stop. I was already annoyed enough by:
@TuxRug: AAAAAGH my brain, it HURTS.
@Tony Kaye: If anything, the bloatware will push even MORE people to root!
Looks like a bad So You Think You Can Dance tryout.
This headline drives me nuts. It has two possible, yet nearly opposite meanings.
@thehouserules: Custom ROMs will come. eFuse will die. Mark my words.
@Anonymoose: That's a great wish.
@Ron-Mexic0: Wrong. The N1 accomplished what was needed in the light of Google's mission. More advertising would not have advanced that mission, although they might have sold more handsets.
@talkingstove: Especially when you consider Google's mission statement. The N1 was just a means to get Android accelerated in this direction.
@lolbrbnvm: That just made my day... going to IM that link to coworkers.