Prostate of Grace

Confirmed in WA on Android, with full or near full bars.

I wonder what would happen if you got a virus in your piles?

No reproductive organs...

@rootyb: If this is true, I can accurately say that your explanation is likely based on tortured logic.

We are also making bars 1, 2 and 3 a bit taller so they will be easier to see.

Would have been better, albeit stupefying, as a BP commercial.

This is such doublespeak bullshit.

@bigtimes: I'll see your blah blah blah antenna joke and raise you a yadda yadda yadda dick joke.

It would be a hoot to take a look at the twitter-ers that are following this guy - and twitpic a bunch of money shots at them.

@Billybird: If you blow your wad and your willie hasn't even so much as sniffed a vagina, that's not exactly what nature had in mind.

This should sell well - it's a given that a large cross-section of iPad purchasers have 1) a penis and 2) no friggin' self control whatsoever.

So it picks up on 'energy' by detecting moisture on these sensitive balls?

@Batmanuel: You have officially one-upped me, good sir. Well done.

Microsoft didn't kill KIN. That shit was stillborn.