Unrelated but can somebody please tell your dev people to fix the infinite scrolling? Autoplaying videos are annoying enough as it is, but autoplaying videos from an article I didn’t even click on are worse.
Unrelated but can somebody please tell your dev people to fix the infinite scrolling? Autoplaying videos are annoying enough as it is, but autoplaying videos from an article I didn’t even click on are worse.
I’d mine her cave, aw yeah.
I’m sorry you read pinkcatplate’s comment that way. I understood it more as being queer or transfemme does not automatically mean that you are a good person. Case in point: Caitlyn Jenner.
I am an old so please bear with me. Is the term queer no longer considered a slur? Is it a blanket term for LGBTQ?
This band has been really popular with the ostentatiously queerer-than-thou-because-I-wear-glitter-lipstick twenty- and thirty-something queer hipsters in my life. Wearing metallic eyeshadow and boasting about being sexually fluid apparently does not guarantee that someone is a good ally, or even a good person.
No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t being a douche. He was attempting to show how totalitarian things are in Russia right now. Which is why he was discussing what the laws were and how long the sentencing was in his video. He proved his point. Or in this case the Russian government proved his point. Only someone who truly…
This here everyone is what a violation of one’s free speech actually looks like. The Russian government is arresting him for saying negative things about the Russian Orthodox Church. This is one of the times where it’s appropriate to say that this man’s free speech is being violated.
Is there any joy in Russia? Or is this entire country just a miserable totalitarian shit hole? Asking for a friend.
How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.
Oh yay, another shoehorned campaign in a multiplayer game.
You made my day, Mister :DD
It started with marijuana, but then I got hooked, and when they found me, I was snorting mana off the dick of a bard.
When I was a child, I played Dungeons & Dragons. They warned me not to, but I did. I thought I was having fun. I am now 31 and in jail for the murder of several people.
I have been shocked to realize over the past few months that three different people I know fairly well and have known for awhile are Flat Earthers. Completely baffling.
No word if these Dark Souls rings raise max equipment burden or decrease fall damage, but they do look nice!
Two thoughts.
Ah, damn dude. Go ahead and post the best metal album this year. I see how it is.
We can only hope, I’m fucking tired of NFL, MLB, NBA bs and all their fanatics. Fuck ‘um. I hope traditional sports tumble over the next generation.
I lost interest in the series for a long time because of RE4. It was a solid game, but not what I wanted, when I bought Resident Evil. I’m a bit more relaxed these days, the benefit of losing interest: You can enjoy a game without expecting anything.