
Flip side: my dad gave up a high six figure house and all of his IRA in order to get my youngest sib out of the house. The divorce took a decade because of kid issues, and the 3rd had aged out during. It sucks for both of them—my mom lost her entire family, basically, because she is mentally ill. And my dad lost all

Female abuse is grossly under-reported.

In recovery—you can’t ‘make’ anyone drink. I’ve felt pressured maybe twice in over six years, and have been very heels-dug-in both times about not drinking.

Mine was just a GP but she specialized in teens and kids with ED’s. (In my area, it’s basically a graduation requirement—I’m not sure I knew any girl growing up who did not have disordered eating growing up.)

My thyroid went wacky when I was 10. It’s not even a difficult test! Do you like her otherwise? Otherwise, seriously, fire her. Basically you are her client.

Where do you live? (Not to doxx you—but is it a metro, suburban, or rural area?)

They can be so stubborn! And I weighed under 100 ounds when I rode six days/week, so watching me play tug a war with a horse just used to make my trainer/dad/other riders laugh hysterically.

Nope. I filed an Order of Protection but no criminal charges because that’s all I could deal with at the time. Then he conveniently disappeared. He would have a minimum of two weeks for the times he violated the Order, but I’d have to hire a PI, track him down, etc. And I would have had to go to trial. And he is from

Maybe this is just because I’m a (feminist, male) lawyer’s daughter, but I have been coming to every doctor appt since my 20's with a crapload of ‘evidence’; I have a chronic condition and I seriously wrote down everything in much detail as I could and wouldn’t leave an appt. until the doctor read through my

I had a loooong talk with my boyfriend about how I really dislike the word ’nice’ because I’ve been socialized my entire life to be ‘nice’. But that’s not an expectation of men in the same way or to the same degree. He didn’t really get it at first—he’s also a tall, Captain-American looking alpha. But he’s also smart,

I have a cat and volunteer with them. Is that what you meant?

I definitely used to ride a pony who held grudges. She was too smart for her own good! When she thought her workout should be over, she’d dig her heels in unexpectedly and send me flying over her head. She had that move down pat. Then wait for me to shake it off and take her back to her stall (where there was always

First—CONGRATULATIONS on getting out of an abusive relationship. As a fellow escapee, I know how hard it is—and it seems like you are doing it without much of a physically present support system.

Thank you. I have one great, if weird parent—so I am still learning how to adult. I din’t really have models. At 39. I hope my mom is okay, but I don’t feel she is my burden anymore.

My mom was unemployed when I was young. I mostly remember her smoking in the backyard and killing all the garden flowers via neglect. My best memories of being a kid was getting up at 4 (I don’t sleep well) and reading a book while my dad worked; he’d make us sandwiches. My mom was a sad, lost person; I hear she went

I tried it once, stayed up all night, and managed to read two books. Disappointing, since I regularly (still) can go multiple days in a row with zero sleep. I have tried EVERYTHING and would love to hear from anyone who has other suggestions.

The women were SO BADASS.

There are moments of levity/humor, if that helps! Sit by the aisle. (Packing anti-anxiety meds for a long, upcoming flight.)

And in the theaters! I saw it last night to stomping applause. I have no natural interest in comics, and I was raised in a super-sheltered area, and I didn’t want it to end. It was so awesome. And I LOVED how many kiddos/families were there. When my date and I left, there were crowds waiting to get into the next

No! Dennis Duffy first and always!