
Sadly, there’s no such things as letting the nature do its work.
These freaking morons will get sick as hell and will require healthcare from good folks who will spend time and money to help these retarded humans.
That is sadly the problem with today’s society. The ignorant fools aren’t the one paying for their own

My god, this article really looks like an ad.

It’s not a “sport”, it’s an “e-sport”, just keep at it.

Cause 420, right?

I always wanted to buy Rock Band, and I still do.
But I so don’t want to pay 400$ for a game, jesus. That’s the dealbreaker for me

Where’s my picture?
This list is as faulty as the Blake Shelton’s magasine. (Yes, I forgot the name of that crap.)

No matter if they nailed it or not.
I wanna marry that widowmaker, jesus,

Sports fans are retarded.

Always depend on what you’re doing.
The “real complete exercise” does include the eccentric part of the movement as well. You actually want to control the weight on 100% of the movement to make sure to get all the benefits from the deadlift.
In most lifting events (powerlifting, strongman, etc), it is not required to

Following this trend, we should simply accuse 100% of men on earth of sexual assault.
This is obviously where it’s going.

Simply don’t use iOs at all?
It’s apple’s.

All men are scumbags, once again.
I love the new generation of hatred.

Losing weight is the most mathematic application you’ever seen.
Consume less calories than what you burn in a day, and that’s it.
(Calories in/consumed - Calories Out/Burned) = Mass Taken.

So stop stuffing your face and start moving your butt, no matter how.
There is no magic trick, there never was. So stop whining.

Sport’s fans.
The most retarded people on earth.

^ I think we found the new character who should be #1 on the above list...

Because the cost of life is much lower exactly because of the danger looming in these places.
It’s as simple as that.

People with the money and the will already got out from there.

How “men perceives” rape...
I feel offended.

And I don’t understand... I’m supposed to feel like a rapist if a women decides to sleep with me, and afterward regrets her decision for some reason?
I mean, what are we supposed to do if we can’t even trust the actions/words of the other person in front of us?

As a man, it

This is sexist.
I feel offended. Where is the gender equality?

Sure if you say so.
You do seem to believe you are some sort of Bodybuilding knowledge god, so I won’t break your confidence =).

The only worthwhile way?

Wow, you are not biased at all.

The only worthwhile way?

Wow, you are not biased at all.