
When I saw American Psycho, I felt like: I’m a little bit like that Patrick Bateman character, but without the murders

Is Billy Mitchell as ridiculous in real life as he is in the movie?

Hahaha well, don't say I didn't warn you about La-Mulana. That game is on a completely different level than something like The Witness in terms of meticulously taking notes. I think it's safe to say that about 0.01% of people who have played La-Mulana have completed it without a guide.

You literally described backtracking in a Metroid game.

I see where psib is coming from though. There's backtracking, then there's extensive backtracking. I don't think anyone wants to go to Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass a million times. That's extensive backtracking and, more to the point, padding out of the game's length which is a huge problem. Give me

If you like that sort of stuff check out La-Mulana.

That never bothered me in the slightest because any time I'm backtracking I have new equipment and there's always some new stuff to discover on the way. Plus there's a plethora of elevators and stuff so you don't have to take a super circuitous route unless you want to. But man, some of the hidden areas and things are

I want Metroid Prime 4 to do what Metroid Prime did— blow away all preconceived notions of what a Metroid game can and can't do while reimagining an entire genre and exceeding all expectations.

This is a bullshit article and should instead be Which is Better: Pet Sounds or Sgt. Pepper's or Nothing is Wrong?

No way dude she played… Ornela… in Game of Thrones!

Isn't Jordan Peele rumored to be in talks regarding Akira? I honestly think stuff like this could work as long as they attach talented writers and dirextors who respect the original work and are passionate about the project. If it's a major studio cash grab with lots of intervention for mass appeal it's doomed to fail.

I would have loved a live action Cowboy Bebop movie staring Keanu Reeves directed by Joss Whedon or The Wachowskis or something. Could have been amazing.

Didn't the Switch beat out Wii sales or something?

Someone should tell Nintendo that releasing games on the virtual console that should have been released hundreds of years ago doesn't constitute news or excitement in the slightest. Also someone should link Nintendo to Steam/PSN/XBLA so they can get an idea of what a realistic price point for 20 year old games should

Here's a link to some of her most insane tweets

'Once Harvard found out students had been posting on The AV Club they immediately withdrew their acceptance'

Jesus christ I laughed for about 20 straight minutes.

I'm very much of the opinion that an autopsy cannot determine something like this. I TA'd a drug discovery course during my PhD and this is such a ridiculous claim to me personally. A lot of these drugs we don't know the exact mechanism of action, what they are targeting and of course the levels of what they are

Upvoted for the South Park reference. That was a particularly good episode, especially the ending lesson. 'I finally understand! I don't understand!' 'Now you understand'

I think you meant 'look at the idiots in the comments' because 'looks at the idiots in the comments' doesn't make sense.