Professional Widow

god dammit, the first time in the history of ever i've been on the pissing contest before there were 18 million comments and I AM THE WORST LIAR ON THE PLANET.

This is quite sad, and involves the death of a family member, so please skip if you come to Pissing Contest for a laugh, like I do.

My husband and I are anthropologists who were in grad school when Mr. Trudibell junior was born. We knew what we were doing when we let all barriers down. We didn't correct anyone when they assume that our son was an "oops."

"I love you too."


I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who

No, because nobody here seems to think 2 years seems like a long enough sentence for her. But if we're going by jail time as a indication of which crimes are "worse," then you have to take into consideration that most rapists serve zero jail time, since only a small percentage are prosecuted and an even smaller

Oh, it didn't take long.

Do I get to bang on top of the downstairs lounge piano? Cuz I'm not into it unless I get to bang on top of the downstairs lounge piano.

Is he good at oral sex?

Right there with you. Although reading it as an adult, especially with how I reacted to the scene as a kid, kind of squicked me out. After the first time reading it as an adult, I actually skip those scenes, ha!

Gabi came home with a list of names, She didn't believe in Transcendence.

I'll just pop this in here.

I know when you watch it now it's ludicrously silly, but my god this film scared the crap out of kid me. Even though I watched it, like, a billion times.

genpop! genpop! genpop! genpop!

Maybe we'll finally find out what the naked lady says.

Sorry. My right to bite you ends at your skin.

Not at the expense of using someone else's body to do it. Unless you support forced organ donation, too. Do you really consider it moral to force a woman to carry a doomed fetus?

If the difference between terminating an anencephalic fetus at 21 weeks and euthanizing a senior citizen escapes you, I'm genuinely concerned for your ability to take care of yourself.