Professional Widow

something you may not know but Jessica Williams pointed out...a woman smiling back or saying thank you does not always mean you succeeded in your unsolicited compliment, but rather it's away to diffuse the situation by giving a man what he wants which is your interaction with him. because as you have mentioned as as

I dont know which men are nice and which are not and I err on the side of my safety rather than your ego. If I know you, sure, I'll say thank you. If I don't know you, I won't. Yes, sorry that dozens of terrifying interactions springing from seemingly harmless comments have made me "uptight" (read: afraid for my

You really need to step back and realize that for many women, accepting a compliment can be dangerous. It really can be. So often when seemed like a harmless comment at first later turned into him demanding my number, following me, etc...sometimes leaving a door ajar is dangerous, can seem like a wide open door for

Right. So, basically you act however you want and the onus is on me to stop what I'm doing and respond to you. Also, all of womankind is depending on me to act accordingly, lest I perpetuate some awful stereotype in your mind.
You have no idea what a woman is going through when you decide you absolutely must

EXACTLY. we don't need to know what strange men think about how we look. It does nothing for us. It just obligates us to engage in a dialog now when we are just trying to exist in peace.

Honestly, I just want to exist in public without men (it's never women) looking me over and thinking they are going to brighten my day by complimenting me. Honestly, I don't give a shit what you think about my shoes. I know they're awesome, that's why I bought them. And all my friends feel the same way.
Also, as an

im totally not a troll. can I be ungreyed?

we treat dogs a little differently because they dont understand our language. Men, however, do, and I will continue to tell them all to shut the fuck up and to publicly shame and belittle them. I have even had a few apologize to me.

I love a woman who isn't so attached to her hair. My mother bawled when I chopped and dyed black my waist-length silky blonde tresses at 13 and it was gross. I never grew it back out and it's been every color and style under the sun. I have a lot of fun with it. My mother said she has never forgiven me for what I did

I was very moved by the description but it also tore me up( i feel very similarly to how she feels about herself) and I'm sorta dreading the show.

This issue has been so raw with my lately. For years, I upheld my mother as a survivor of domestic abuse. She really identifies as a domestic abuse survivor and I remember a lot of fucked up shit and helped her talk about it a lot...then last summer when I wanted the acknowledgment that she physically abused my sister

Do you also feel that you have every right to blame PMS on your emotions but when your partner does you want to punch them in the throat? Just me?

i have a question. So I wear a moisturizer with SPF everyday. I apply it in the mornings under my makeup. I keep hearing that I should reapply the moisturizer because clearly that's not gonna protect me all day but I can't just slap it on top of my makeup because that would be a mess and it would be really time

what sucks for me is that sometimes I get PMS and other times I don't. Sometimes I feel just fine before my period so when I do get touchy and emotional for rill, people think I am making it up

Sure, but I guess I didn't get why it was funny. I haven't seen a single vegetarian comment on this, so I didn't understand the need to preemptively make a crack

I don't believe any of us think we are about to be strapped down. ??? maybe that's just me

I'm jealous that's all the stretch marks you have. I'd take that tattoo over my stretch marks any day

Can you link us where they say they no longer test on animals?


I know! And next week I am visiting my sister who lives in the same town she does and we have (my sister and two aunts, her older sisters who agree she is evil) decided to bait her into coming to dinner (not telling her I am in town) and I will show up and confront her ass about ALL THIS SHIT. and I am salivating at