
I can only imagine the spreadsheets this takes.

Me too, good luck!

Okay, I've been watching this long enough, time to try my hand. Here are my picks.

He looks like he had a Dementor's Kiss but kept going anyway.

Solidarity. It's a great season of TV.


Younger person here. Maybe startups is the new improv is the new indie band?

Oh my god, what a great idea. I think I'd want him as Laurens/Philip though.

Booo! Fence-sitter!

Maybe this is lame, but for me it feels good to think about Poussey's scenes as part-flashback part-afterlife journey. The point when she passes Bayley for me marks the moment when it stops being a flashback and becomes a fantasy version of that evening, in which she doesn't get arrested and instead has the amazing

Do you think the main character is named after a Mountain Goats song?

Go take a look. There may be valuable stuff in there - the big cards have changed, for sure.

It really is. Counterspell on it hurts hard.

They're not high enough quality, but at the lower levels of play you could. Anything beyond a local tournament is going to check these things though, and real cards have anti-counterfeit stuff.

Cool! Do you have a link?

I heard "The Commander Thinks Aloud" for the first time yesterday, and it made me desperately sad and desperate to listen again. So today I put it on, and after I was done decided to listen to Space Oddity again. I then went to the AV Club, and saw this front and centre. Funny coincidence.

It's not the same without being there. Can you describe it for me?

Do they meet one another at random in the jungle? I feel like that would be a big moment.

The AV Club